Iran to hold 1st World Awakening Awards

The event will be held cartoon, poster design and photography categories, hosting veteran Iranian and international artists.

The works are required to focus on the topics of ‘Capitalism, Wall Street’, ‘Islamic Awakening in the Contemporary World’, ‘Uprising of World Nations’, ‘Fighting against Despotism’ and ‘Resistance against the Hegemonic Systems’.

Prominent Iranian graphic designer Qobad Shiva has designed the poster for the first edition of the World Awakening Awards, said General Secretary of the event Amir Abdolhassani.

About 91 photographs, 65 posters and 148 cartoons have been selected so far to compete for this year’s awards, Abdolhassani announced adding that more than 1100 artists from 55 different countries will take part in the event.

Bahram Azimi, Kambiz Derambakhsh, Masoud Ziaei, Mostafa Asadollahi, Ebrahim Haqiqi, Mostafa Goudarzi, Farzad Hashemi and Seyyed Abbas Mirhashemi will be among the jury members.

The selected works will be showcased at Tehran’s Imam Ali (PBUH) Religious Arts Museum from May 12 to June 11, 2012.


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