‘Iran will not give up interests in PG’

The Persian Gulf has military, economic, scientific and cultural significance. Enemies are trying in vain to downplay Iran’s role in the strategic region, Vahidi said on Tuesday.

He added that the enemies are not capable of undermining Iran’s vital role in regional and international developments because the Islamic Republic will not abandon its interests in the Persian Gulf.

Pointing to the economic significance of the Persian Gulf region, Vahidi reiterated that the Western countries have made efforts to maintain the Persian Gulf as some sort of security region, though the region should be viewed in terms of economic significance.

He deplored the military presence of the US and its allies, saying the large number of foreign forces stationed there have turned the Persian Gulf region into a weapons depot.

The Iranian minister also slammed the institutionalization of certain illegal policies in the Persian Gulf, stressing that some countries have militarily interfered in the internal affairs of the Persian Gulf states while others have practically condoned such moves by keeping mum on the issue.

The countries in the Persian Gulf region have experienced numerous wars caused by the hegemonic policies of Western powers over the past 30 years, Vahidi noted.

He emphasized that those who came to the region under the pretext of establishing security are, in fact, undermining regional security.


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