Iranian President Congratulates Venezuela on Independence Day

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a message felicitated the Venezuelan nation and government on the country’s Independence Day.

Ahmadinejad in a message to his Venezuelan counterpart President Hugo Chavez on Wednesday congratulated [the] anniversary of Venezuelan Independence Day to him, the Venezuelan government and to nations people.

“Dear esteemed brother, President of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Hugo Chavez Rafael Ferias; I would like to convey my most sincere congratulations on the occasion of the anniversary of Venezuela’s independence to your honor, and the Venezuelan nation and government,” President Ahmadinejad’s message read.

The message continued, “Beyond doubt, the victory of the Venezuelan nation in achieving independence is in line with materializing the ideals of the oppressed Latin American nations, and makes happy the entire freedom seekers around the globe.”

President Ahmadinejad added, “Keeping in mind that focusing on South-South cooperation is among the fundamentals of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign policy, strengthening and fortifying our bilateral ties and turning them into a model for the South-South cooperation for the other countries is among our defined objectives. Therefore, the establishment of multilateral unions with other south countries can put on display a new chapter on public participation in the international field.”

He has expressed hope that relying on joint efforts the two sides would be witnesses to ever more expansion of brotherly and strategic ties between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in line with securing the interests of the two revolutionary nations in entire fields.

The Iranian political leader has emphasized in the message, “Support and backing up of the friend and brother countries for each other against the challenges and the created obstacles by the oppressors in the way of the free nations’ advancement is surely very precious.”

The president of the Islamic Republic of Iran has at the end of his message prayed to Almighty God for success of President Chavez, and for ever increasing deepening of friendship ties between the two great nations, as well as full health and prosperity of the noble Venezuelan government and nation.

Iran has in recent years expanded friendly ties with Latin America, specially in economic, trade and industrial fields.

Since taking office in 2005, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has expanded Iran’s cooperation with many Latin American states, including Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Cuba.

Iran’s strong and rapidly growing ties with Latin America, specially with Venezuela, have raised eyebrows in the US and its western allies since Tehran and Latin nations have forged an alliance against the imperialist and colonialist powers and are striving hard to reinvigorate their relations with the other independent countries which pursue a line of policy independent from the US.

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