‘Iraqi Kurdistan wants more Iran trade’

During a meeting with Director of the Joint Iran-Iraq Chamber of Commerce Yahya Ale-Eshaq, Salih called for the participation of Iran in establishing Iraqi Kurdistan’s economic and transportation zone, IRNA reported.

The Kurdish official also asked for Iran’s cooperation for the creation of joint commercial firms in the banking, investment, insurance, public transportation and airline sectors.

Pointing to the favorable ties between the Islamic Republic and the PUK, Salih described the presence of Iranian firms in the Kurdistan region as “eye-catching” and called for more cooperation between the two sides in the city of Sulaymaniyah.

The Kurdish official further expressed optimism that signing cooperation pacts between Iran and the Kurdistan region would lead to the expansion of bilateral cooperation.

For his part, Ale-Eshaq expressed confidence that the resolve of both sides for expanding ties would pave the ground for the development of all-out cooperation.

The meeting was part of Salih’s three-day official visit to Iran during which he also met other Iranian officials for further expansion of mutual relations.


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