Is The Internet Rewriting Our Brains?

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July 12, 2012

Is the web driving us mad?

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17 Responses to “Is The Internet Rewriting Our Brains?”

  1. Too late, Pink Floyd already rewritten my brain ! Another brick in the wall !

  2. Nothing but doom and gloom from alternative media. Most “alternative media” comes from main stream conspiracy theory sites. I believe… just like when you watch MSM. That you are being brain washed little by little even if it’s over the internet, TV or Radio. What someone says can take a toll on anyone’s mind. Which is why I say conspiracy theory sites have a big roll in anarchy and the way their visitors think, react, and speak.

    sbee1441 Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 8:05 am

    I can see your point regarding where to get truth. Truth usually hurts and is not fun. If you want your ears tickled watch something that makes you feel good. I watched Fox news and listened to Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck for years. Who else was there? There would be national events happening and the issue would be ignored, made fun of or there would be a very shallow answer about it like “no it’s not”. For example: FEMA Camps- Won’t hear about it on Fox. Glen Beck said they don’t exist, never heard Rush say anything about them. (Those CRAZY conspiracy theorist). Go to you tube and pull up Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory on fema camps. (That’s where I found out about Alex Jones.) Watch……is it true?

    As for being brainwashed. We have all been brainwashed at some point in our lives. You have to really want the truth enough that you’ll sacrifice your comfort zone, your pride and maybe everything you hold dear. Because it really does hurt. If your not will to do that, you really don’t want it bad enough.

  3. aint “the web” driving me mad..
    its just keeping me informed about out of control “governments”,
    is whats “driving” any “madness” most of us may be suffering.

  4. Indeed. The internet is rewiring and reprogramming our brains. Just read some of the comments here!

    (Watch flash video “reality” banner – click my link)

  5. Yeah, looking for the truth on anything takes a little work. You won’t find it coming from the media anyway, they’re busy trying to convince you everything is perfect and protected, while your out celebrating July 4th or New Years Even, and a stray bullet whops the back of your car; if you’re lucky. When you really look at it, those that don’t watch the web, are usually the ones watching the flake media, and whined-up on the front page news. I wonder what the victims of 9-11 were watching just before their unfortunate fate ?

  6. My brain is totally insane but I know things of truth and love desire of heart. In other words I have gone completely insane as Celente said many times a man that loses everything loses it but I still have gold hidden for battle….

  7. Loyalty is my only vice and the Devils are not loyal to my heart to sat the least…

  8. Perhaps i could gain my strenth to even call on the dragons magic and splash colors across my sky and change this reality but I like it here for battle against the devil has become my home throughout time in this world….

  9. We shall ride ride together or I shall ride against the beasts heart alone….

  10. No- just making us stupid, and destroying our well-developed, racial long-term memory. 🙁

  11. The NWO stole my brain and I’m kinda upset about that, but I still seem to have the need for love and really good boobs

    VanHelsing Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 9:51 am

    Don’t feel bad Vanhelsing they stole Spocks brain too but he got it back later, hahaha….

  12. my friend’s step-aunt made $13096 the prior month. she makes money on the internet and got a $464200 condo. All she did was get fortunate and put to use the steps reported on this website N U T T Y R | C H . C O M

  13. “Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.”

  14. retarding

  15. We don’t need no edja-macation, we don’t need no thought control. All in all, we’re just another brick in the wall !

    If internet is bad, then going to school must be crazy !

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