Is the US government spying on Americans?

September 2, 2011

The rise of government surveillance is a troublesome legacy of the September 11 attacks. Today, video cameras are visible everywhere in public places, recording people’s every move. But what about spying that can’t be spotted?

Ten years after 9/11, new questions are being raised about what the US government is secretly doing on the internet and through satellites, using the Patriot Act and other national security law as justification.

Two American senators with access to top-secret intelligence raised the alarm in May, suggesting that the invasion of law-abiding Americans’ privacy was being carried out clandestinely – and that people would be shocked if they knew the extent.

“I want to deliver a warning this afternoon,” Senator Ron Wyden said on May 26 during a Senate debate. “When the American people find out how their government has secretly interpreted the Patriot Act, they will be stunned and they will be angry.”

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36 Responses to “Is the US government spying on Americans?”

  1. I could care less if they are spying. What are they spying? Me and you going to work, shopping, eating, crapping, sleeping. We are slaves. What else is there to know? Now what?! They want to use the mundane bs we do against us for what? This article sucks.
    I got news for you all.. They aren’t our biggest enemy. We are. All they learn how to do is capitalize on it and so what? It’s just a stupid game. Stop being sore losers. Enjoy the little lives you have. Be happy anyway. If we were smart we’d stop working after we got our 6 mo. supplies together and they wouldn’t have anything to do which would drive them insane.

    Doesn’t matter!!

    China IS coming to take this country eventually. They have huge ships that take less than 5 days to get here.. carry well over 150 thousand containers filled with walmart crap.. only takes 13 people to operate and the worst part ever is.. they go back to China without one single thing in any of those containers from America. This is what I do for a living, there are very few Americans left in the shipping industry in this country. China IS coming to take over America. It’s that simple.

    • Mark 110 from BAE. 55mm shells autofire at shoreside unmanned with 3 different firing methods. No ship can come close with those. not to mention other various lines of defense prior but you dont really know much about that and i understand

  2. Is the US government spying on Americans?

    Ah, yeah, DUH!

  3. Is the US Government Spying on Americans?

    Ummm….is this really even a question? I am going to need some time to think it over then.

    Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen….
    Zbigniew Brzenzinski~

    My $ says we are at that point – and although there are many I’d like to thank for that, a big round of applause to Facebook for really getting that little project kick started into the fast lane. Who knew it would be so easy?
    The Truth About Facebook:

  4. According to their voting record Wyden and Udall love the Patriot Act.

    Both voted Yea:
    Measure Title: A bill to extend the expiring provisions of the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 and the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 until June 1, 2015, and for other purposes.


    Both voted Yea:
    Senate Vote On Passage: H.R. 514: FISA Sunsets Extension Act of 2011

    Both voted Yea to raise the debt ceiling:

  5. If you look up at the sky at night you can clearly see them. They are very bright and have a bluish color. I’ve actually seen them move. My girlfriend and I saw one at dusk, she was looking up and asked if this object in the sky was an airplane. We watched it and it made a sharp U turn and stopped right over us. At that moment I knew it was a satellite. I looked at it through my spotting scope and it enlarged significantly from the planets and stars and it also was rectangular. During all this I also noticed UFO activity. They look like stars but are moving at a pretty good clip and slowing and speeding up with zig zag movement. It seems they are coming into the earth’s atmosphere due to the reddish color that appears shortly after first seeing it and then it turns back white and then it disappears into the shadow of the earth. I’ve seen up to six in a few hours one night. some nights none.

    • Correct. I have been into astronomy since I was 7 years old. Back in the 70′s when i got my first telescope I was out every night winter and summer for 2 years searching for Jupiter and Saturn. In that time I saw a lot of strange stuff including satellites doing what you have described here also, making U turns and such. I kept logs back then and still have my description of a satellite doing the same thing.

      I remember that it flashed, stopped, went back the other way forcing me to move the telescope in the opposite direction to track it, went in that direction for about a minute, then flashed again, stopped, and resumed it’s original direction. All the while I was is going on?? I was about 10 at the time this happened and also saw many odd lights in the sky, including a UFO with two eyes, where one disappeared as I was looking at it in the telescope very low on the horizon, appearing to be over peoples houses almost. One eye went out, then it shot off at high speed. About 10 family members and friends also witnessed this too. Many of them are human technology, but some like this are also demonic, fallen angels playing their games to deceive others.

      • Bravo! You are one of the first I have seen online who also believes these UFO’s are actually Demonic! I’m glad to know that I am not the only one who believes!

  6. Why the hell did both Wyden and Udall vote for H.R. 514: FISA Sunsets Extension Act of 2011?


  7. If they can’t elaborate because of some bullshit secrecy law then they need to shut their mouths, as they do no good just telling us something we already know. Pussies. These two clowns aren’t helping us. They are probably just trying to look like they are helping, meanwhile behind the scenes they are helping to strip more of our rights.

    Either blow the whistle or choke on it.

    • Repub’s made this law, one reason some are called extermist or Nazi’s (nazi’s are a little too much, but boy they seem to come close sometimes). Anyway, I’m thinking that its GOOD that they talk about it because they want the American people to make this an issue, Presidential Canidates need to be asked about this law and what they think about it. Far as I know, Ron Paul is the only one that says he would do a way with the law. I’d like to see AJ’s guys ask canidates about it.

      They may have voted for it because they were ‘forced’ to or black-mailed in some type of way. Many think the ‘White Knights’ in government no longer exist, that when the last Kennedy left congress, it was a sure sign that the corrupt evil doer’s have finally taken over.

  8. There’s a government database called “Main Core” that tracks everything you do.

  9. OF COURSE, all corrupt governments spy on their citizens.
    They’re paranoid and terrified that one day the citizenry will wake up
    and boot them off the planet.

    • And it’s time for that…NOW! Not next week, next year…now!

  10. Not sure who is doing the “spying.” Whoever it is, it goes way, way, waaay past just “spying.”
    “Spying” is nothing compared to what is actually going on.

  11. the jews control the money supply . and we all need money to survive. now thats controll.

    • This is most probably because we are much smarter than you are.

      • Why dont you just tell everyone how you REALLY feel about the goyim? huh

        • And there you go. Jews score higher in IQ tests then any other race, then the Chinese, then Europeans. But…Intelligence without wisdom is worthless.

      • Most Mossad agents are closet homosexuals who spread disease to people.
        I know this is FACT because I saw the pictures before they were taken down by google.

        I know that sounds far fetched, but look up Mossad agents caught in child sex ring….the kids were being raped, they identified who was doing the raping by the sexually transmitted diseases the boys were carrying. The agents in question had the same herpes and cases of genital warts.

        After being exposed, Israel sealed the indictements and shut down the press. Its a NO NO to talk about the Mossad getting busted spreading disease and raping kids.

        You should really know who you are defending before you go sticking your kneck out for em…..


        • No Far Fetched Winston!!!! That is because they follow the Satanic Talmud. Pedophilia is rampant, accepted and promoted. Though because the little girls aren’t fully developed as infants, they won’t vaginally penetrate until after age 3. Before then it’s just back door, no age requirments. Sick I know. But true, look it up.

      • Yo – Jewboi………..I have a good old fashion nazi oven I’d love to shove you in !

        • well have a nice kosher jew sausage and feed the pigs. i think the pigs wont even eat that .thats when the pig draws the line .and say come on iam not that stupid.see comes to show you that 99% of the world hates the jews.

      • if you fucking jews were smarter you would not shave your wifes head after you marriage to the ugly bitch and have sex with clothes on . you guys are not smart you gays are evil and will burn in hell .ask your grandfather the old snitch .he will tell you jewboy .we are distened to lose.

    • Don’t forget that Benjamin Nut ‘n Yahoo controls the lions share of little boy penis’ around the world.

    • what has the jews contributed in this world besides one thing starting wars around the world
      and making the world feel sorry for them because the holucaust there were never millions of jews killed .bullshit they fucking rigged the numbers just like they rig the polls nowdays.divide and conquer thats there goal and controll the money supply.einstien was another fraud e=mc2 my fucking white ass he problay stoled that idea from someone.the only reason his ass is famous is cause the media is controlled by the jews. good advertisment huh.they only help there own kind.ron paul 2012 i want my america back.

  12. guys please thats what the govenment wants to do is fight each other.the jews are controling the white house, congress, fbi, cia, etc. and the minute some movie star or poltician or just someone with big balls say that its the jews causing all this. next thing you know there career is shot to shit.

    • P.S. go fuck yourself.

      • I have a good old fashion nazi oven I’d love to shove you in bitch !

      • The truth hurts huh

        • only if your my bitch………..BITCH!

    • Nico and others… What is a Jew? According to the Bible, a “Jew” is just simply a nickname for someone that comes from the tribe of Judah. The same tribe that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ comes from… Now from Scripture we see that the tribe of Judah and Benjamin remained in Jerusalem, but my question to you is: WHAT ABOUT THE 10 LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL? Now, you and others are probrably thinking: “Israel the Country?” My answer is no. You see, Abraham (God’s Friend) in the Bible had a son called Issac. Issac had a son named Jacob (WHICH CHANGED HIS NAME TO ISRAEL) and had 12 sons. These are the 12 Tribes of Israel!!! And guess WHERE did the 10 LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL went? Well, after being invaded by the Assyrians they scattered NORTH/WEST, to was is know now of days as EUROPE!!! That’s right folks, if your decendants come from EUROPE, well there is a chance that you are an ISRAILITE… A little FYI if you are an “Anglo-Saxxon”… The word “SAXXON” is a nickname for “SONS OF ISSAC”. So people, please stop hating each other, that is exactly what Satan and his New World Order want… They want confusion, division, and hate. Love one another and more importantly, Seek God, and you will be found by him.
      (JERMIAH 29:11)

      • …people, please stop hating each other…

        An important step in that direction will occur when the jews step down from their calling, the “chosen ones,” as the “money accountants of the universe” and relinquish screwing and killing the “goyim” in order to fulfill their “chosen” call.

        But, that would be like asking a pig to stop eating like a pig. Have you had a conversation w/a pig lately? If you did it would be “such as deal.”

      • The term “Jew” in the time of Christ meant “a resident of Judea” and had nothing to do with being from the tribe of Yudah. So technically Jesus was not a “Jew”.

  13. Sorry Tyler, your DEAD WRONG!!! Speak for yourself, not for me!

  14. Stunned and angry but too lazy and cowardly to do anything about it. Welcome to sheeple america. You sissy little girls.

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One Response to “Is the US government spying on Americans?”

  1. Rwolf says:


    U.S. Government wants the power without a warrant, to introduce as evidence in criminal prosecutions and government civil trials, any phone call record, email or Internet activity. Alarmingly, that would open the door for Police to take out of context, any innocent—hastily written email, fax or phone call record to allege a crime or violation was committed to cause a person’s arrest, fines and or civil asset forfeiture of their property. There are more than 350 laws and violations that can subject property to government asset forfeiture: Government civil asset forfeiture requires only a civil preponderance of evidence for police to forfeit property, little more than hearsay.

    If the Justice Department has its way, any information the FBI derives from (no warrant) acquisition of Web Server Records; User Internet Activity, emails; and phone records, can be used by the FBI for (fishing expeditions) to issue subpoenas in hopes of finding evidence, to prosecute Citizens for any alleged crime or violation—circumventing the Fourth Amendment. Consider: neither Congress nor the courts—determined what NSA electronic surveillance, perhaps illegal under Bush II, could be used by police or introduced into court by a government agency to prosecute U.S. Citizens criminally or civilly. If the Justice Department is permitted (No-warrant) surveillance of all electronic communications, it is problematic state and local law enforcement agencies and private government contractors will want access to Bush II /NSA and other government (retained electronic records) of Internet activity; emails and phone call information to secure evidence to arrest Americans and or civilly forfeit their homes, businesses and other assets under Title 18USC and other laws. Of obvious concern, what happens to fair justice in America if police become dependent on “Asset Forfeiture” to help pay their salaries and budget operating costs?

    The “Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000” (effectively eliminated) the “five year statue of limitations” for Government Civil Asset Forfeiture: the statute now runs five years (from the date) police claim they “learned” that an asset became subject to forfeiture. It is foreseeable should (no warrant electronic surveillance) be approved; police will relentlessly sift through businesses and Citizens’ (retained Internet data), e.g., emails to allege a crime or violation. A corrupt/despot U.S. Government, could use no warrant (retained Internet data and phone call information) to extort Americans, corporations and others in the same manner Hitler used his 1933 passed Discriminatory Decrees to extort corporations and the wealthy to support totalitarian legislation—voiding the Constitutional Freedoms of German Citizens.

    Under U.S. federal civil forfeiture laws, a person or business need not be charged with a crime for government to forfeit their property. Most U.S. Citizens, property and business owners that defend their assets against Government Civil Asset Forfeiture claim an “innocent owner defense.” This defense can become a “Catch 22” a criminal prosecution trap for both guilty and innocent property owners. Any fresh denial of guilt made to government when questioned about committing a crime “even when you did not do the crime” may “involuntarily waive” a defendant’s right to assert in their defense—the “Criminal Statute of Limitations” past for prosecution; any fresh denial of guilt even 30 years after a crime was committed may allow Government prosecutors to use old and new evidence, including information discovered during a Civil Asset Forfeiture Proceeding to launch a criminal prosecution. For that reason many innocent Americans, property and business owners are reluctant to defend their property and businesses against Government Civil Asset Forfeiture.

    Re: waiving Criminal Statute of Limitations: see USC18, Sec.1001, James Brogan V. United States. N0.96-1579. U.S. See paragraph (6) at:

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