‘Israel behind Thai terror scenario’

“If we follow the issue closely and wisely, we’ll find out who is behind the scenario,” Bizmark said in an interview with the local daily the Nation, adding that the main suspect is the Zionists (Israelis).

Bizmark further said that the Iranian embassy in Thailand has deep doubts about the actual nationality of the suspects detained by Thai and Malaysian authorities with the alleged Iranian passports, and whether they were indeed Iranian citizens.

“We don’t know who they are… They could be anybody,” the Iranian ambassador said.

On Tuesday, a man hurled a grenade at Thai police and a cab. The attacker was injured seriously in the blast. Bangkok police say they found Iranian identification documents on the maimed man.

Earlier in the day, a house rented by three men, who police say were Iranians, exploded when a cache of explosives reportedly went off by accident. Soon afterwards, there was a third blast on a nearby road, Thai police said.

The three explosions in Bangkok happened a day after bomb attacks targeted Israeli embassy staff in India and Georgia.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused Iran of orchestrating the attacks.

Iran has rejected the accusation as baseless and a publicity ploy, adding that they are part of Tel Aviv’s psychological warfare against the Islamic Republic.


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