Israel: do not waiver in talks with Iran

The so-called P5+1 grouping of diplomats from permanent UN Security Council
members Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany
held a first round of talks with Iran on April 14 in Istanbul.

Iran reportedly made a counter-proposal to the P5+1 group with five items
based on “the principles of step-by-step reciprocity”. Talks were expected
to continue into Thursday.

A day ahead of the second round, UN nuclear watchdog chief Yukiya Amano said
his agency was poised to ink a deal with Tehran.

His comments were greeted with deep suspicion by Israel, which sees Iran’s
willingness to talk as a ploy to win an easing of sanctions and to gain more
time for enrichment.

The world powers are hoping to secure Iran’s agreement to suspend 20 per cent
enrichment and to ship its stockpiles of enriched uranium abroad.

But Israel has poured scorn on the P5+1 talks, with Barak deriding its demands
of Tehran as “minimalist” and saying they would never be enough to
make Iran halt its nuclear programme.

“If we set the bar too low, there is a danger that they will get most, if
not all of what they want, and the Iranian nuclear programme will continue,”
he said.

Anything less than a demand to stop enriching uranium to 20 per cent and to
3.5 per cent, to remove all enriched uranium outside of the country, and to
close down the Fordo plant near the holy city of Qom, was not enough, he

“The Iranians are continuing their game of chess in order to achieve
nuclear weapons,” he said, adding the customary warning: that “all
options remain on the table” – a reference to a possible pre-emptive
military strike, which Israel has refused to rule out.

Later Wednesday, Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Yaalon articulated the
Israeli warning.

“The sanctions must continue and tighten, alongside international
seclusion, support of the opposition and a reliable military option,”
he wrote on his Twitter account.

“If all this does not help, someone might have to instigate a military
move against Iran,” he warned, without noting who or how.

Earlier this year, Yaalon – who served as Israel’s military chief – warned
that no Iranian facility, however reinforced, is immune to Israeli attack.

The West and Israel, widely considered the Middle East’s sole if undeclared
nuclear power, suspect Iran is using its nuclear programme to build atomic
weapons, charges that Tehran denies.

Source: AFP

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