‘Israel hits US presidential campaigns’

Press TV has conducted an interview with Jeff Gates, author of “Guilt by Association,” to further discuss the issue. The following is a transcription of the interview.

The video also offers the opinions of two other guests, freelance journalist Lizzie Phelan from London and Omar Nashabe with the al-Akhbar newspaper from Beirut on the Syrian domestic crisis.

Press TV: Mr. Gates we know that as [the other guest speaker] Mr. Nashabe was telling us, efforts to maybe equip or arm the opposition, these are cases that have been made public now in the meetings that are taking place between Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and parts of the international community that are now calling for that publicly to happen.

The question is, do you think that countries like the regional countries or the [P]GCC countries are making these decisions independently or are these, some have been saying in their words, orders coming from the United States?

Gates: This is a challenging question to unwind because when you say orders are coming from the United States or from the Western powers as with your earlier speaker I think people forget how long ago a sort-of pro-Israeli group of people embedded themselves in US foreign policies as well as in Britain and other countries. That’s very hard to unwind at this point.

I think that some historic perspective helps about the Joint Chiefs, head of our military war, and Harry Truman of 48, not to recognize this enclave of fanatics. That’s their term not ours. [They were not a] legitimate state because they would use us to manipulate the US to seek hegemony, to seek domination in the region. And I think that’s playing out. You find the timing, really, is everything.

The serious crisis was timed for the last week of Eisenhower’s reelection campaign of 56. The Operation Cast Lead was timed between Christmas and the inaugural of Barack Obama.

This latest instability is now right in the middle of another presidential campaign, which is drawing Obama to the political right, where the right wing of the Israeli leadership has always resided, in that sort-of fanatical branch.

And yesterday he gave a speech to the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee where he was forced by the current politicians to really take a very hard-lined stance.

In unwinding these things, I think it’s helpful to put some historic perspective in this and realize that, in effect, we’ve pretty much lost control of our foreign policy here in the US because of this influence.

So to blame it on the US, again, that’s why I call the book “Guilt by Association.” This is not the Americans that are doing this, this is the influence inside our government that’s been predicted to manipulate us and has been doing so successfully for 64 years.

Press TV: Mr. Gates, you were speaking about the United States’ role here, the issues with Israel, the interests of Israel and how much they count. We’re also speaking about the Libyan style intervention in Syria. Do you think that the latest developments in Syria that Mr. Nashabe mentioned including the referendum that was held for reforms, the fact that he said President Assad is now calling in Kofi Annan and other UN observers into Syria and trying to calm things down, that this has persuaded the United States that getting involved militarily is not possible in the case of Syria?

Gates: We don’t know that yet. I think there’s a very low appetite for taking us into another war, except those that would like to see us bomb Iran and Israel has had that objective for quite a long time.

They’ve deployed their resources yet again and it’s difficult for the outsiders to see this. If you see the regular mess, if you step up on the stage, such as John McCain, a former presidential candidate, he’s one of the first ones to advocate arming people in Syria.

And people forget that John McCain is the one who sponsored a fellow called Ahmad Chalabi who brought us with the initial false intelligence which we induced to go into Iraq. So it’s usually the same cast of characters time and time again.

And again, it’s the politics of this that are difficult for the outsiders to see: when a fellow named Sheldon Adelson gave five million dollars to presidential candidate Newt Gingrich, and Newt Gingrich immediately made a speech just prior to that about the Palestinians being an invented people.

He very much wants to see us invade Iran. With that five million dollars, he goes to the top in the South Carolina primary and became competitive in Florida.

Sheldon Adelson has about 20 billion dollars. He could give less than four percent of his fortune, about a billion dollars, to anyone of these pro-Israel, bomb-Iran candidates and probably they would take the presidency in the United States.

We’re in very difficult challenging times because out democracy has been enormously undermined both by money and by the power of pro-Israelis with money. And that’s hard for the outsiders to see.

And will the American public put up with going into some other country again, I hope not but they may.


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