Israel is a Trojan horse Rothschild-sponsored state pretending to be a Jewish state.

Submitted by Harold Saive

Israel is a Trojan Horse Rothschild state pretending to be a Jewish state.  The Neturei Karta, anti-zionists Jews know this.

The 1917 Balfour Declaration addressed to Lord Rothschild predicted this would happen. The criminal cabal hides behind the tragedy of Jewish history to carry out crimes against humanity. Certain members of the US congress know this and support Likud violence anyway.  Look at Israel’s “Dr. Mengele” operation with the dangerous mandated vaccines injected into Jewish citizens and children – and how Israel is supplying assault rifles to the Azov NAZIS in Ukraine. –

The red shield has finally been revealed as the real evildoers who continue persecution of Jews long after WWII . Listen to Holocaust survivor, Vera Sharav. –


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Israel is a Trojan horse Rothschild-sponsored state pretending to be a Jewish state.

Submitted by Harold Saive

Israel is a Trojan Horse Rothschild state pretending to be a Jewish state.  The Neturei Karta, anti-zionists Jews know this.

The 1917 Balfour Declaration addressed to Lord Rothschild predicted this would happen. The criminal cabal hides behind the tragedy of Jewish history to carry out crimes against humanity. Certain members of the US congress know this and support Likud violence anyway.  Look at Israel’s “Dr. Mengele” operation with the dangerous mandated vaccines injected into Jewish citizens and children – and how Israel is supplying assault rifles to the Azov NAZIS in Ukraine. –

The red shield has finally been revealed as the real evildoers who continue persecution of Jews long after WWII . Listen to Holocaust survivor, Vera Sharav. –


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Israel is a Trojan horse Rothschild-sponsored state pretending to be a Jewish state.

Submitted by Harold Saive

Israel is a Trojan Horse Rothschild state pretending to be a Jewish state.  The Neturei Karta, anti-zionists Jews know this.

The 1917 Balfour Declaration addressed to Lord Rothschild predicted this would happen. The criminal cabal hides behind the tragedy of Jewish history to carry out crimes against humanity. Certain members of the US congress know this and support Likud violence anyway.  Look at Israel’s “Dr. Mengele” operation with the dangerous mandated vaccines injected into Jewish citizens and children – and how Israel is supplying assault rifles to the Azov NAZIS in Ukraine. –

The red shield has finally been revealed as the real evildoers who continue persecution of Jews long after WWII . Listen to Holocaust survivor, Vera Sharav. –


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