‘Israel spied on Turkish Air Force flights’

Israel spied on the conversations between the pilots during their training flights at the Konya 3rd Main Jet Base Command, the Turkish daily Habertürk reported on Wednesday.

The report added that, the move has prompted the Turkish Air Force to initialize a project to encrypt the communications between the fighter jets and Turkish engineers are currently working to develop a software system for encoding.

Relation between Ankara and Tel Aviv were severely strained after the killing of nine Turkish activists in a violent assault by Israeli commandos on the Turkish ferry, the Mavi Marmara, which was part of the Free Gaza flotilla trying to break Israel’s now 5-year siege on the impoverished Gaza Strip in May 2010.

Turkey demanded an apology from the Tel Aviv regime, but Israel adamantly refused to apologize. Ankara broke off diplomatic relations with Tel Aviv, expelled the Israeli ambassador and froze military cooperation with Israel.


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