Israel State Terror Update Aug 14, 2014: 64 Palestinians Kidnapped In Jerusalem, West Bank

Israeli soldiers kidnapped, late at night and on Thursday at dawn, at least 64 Palestinians in different parts of the occupied West Bank, and in occupied East Jerusalem, and moved them to a number of interrogation facilities.

File - Palestine TV
File – Palestine TV

The Jerusalem office of the Palestinian Prisoner Society (PPS) has reported that dozens of soldiers and police officers invaded Palestinian homes, in occupied Jerusalem, and violently searched them before kidnapping 64 Palestinians.

It added that, on Tuesday at night and Wednesday at dawn, the army kidnapped 52 Palestinians in a massive invasion into dozens of communities in the occupied city.

All kidnapped Palestinians in the city have been moved to an interrogation facility in Ramla.

The Israeli Police also prevented all Palestinian, below the age of 30, from entering the al-Aqsa Mosque in the occupied city.

Soldiers also invaded Yatta town, south of the southern West Bank city of Hebron, and kidnapped one Palestinian, identified as Mohammad Omar al-Hathaleen, 20.

They further invaded Roq’a area, east of Yatta, broke into a home and ransacked it after forcing the family out.

In Hebron city, soldiers kidnapped Farid Najib Zghayyar, 25, Tareq Mohammad al-Qawasmi, and Lu’ay Omran al-‘Oweiwy, after ransacking their homes.

Dozens of soldiers also invaded Safa area, in Beit Ummar town, north of Hebron, kidnapped a former political prisoner, identified as Mohammad Radwan Ekhlayyel, 36, and took him to the Gush Etzion military base.

In Bethlehem, soldiers invaded Husan town, west of the city, and kidnapped four teenagers from their homes.

Local sources said the soldiers invaded the eastern area of the town, searched and ransacked several homes, and kidnapped Haidar Eyad Hamamra, 17, Mohammad Hasan Hamamra, 16, Firas Ibrahim Hamamra, 16, and Baker Ahmad Shousha, 16.

In addition, dozens of soldiers invaded Qabatia town, near the northern West Bank city of Jenin, searched homes and detained two Palestinians, identified as Osama Mahmoud Kamil, 27, and Ahmad Khaled Kamil, 26.

The soldiers also interrogated several families after forcing them out of their homes, and searched their property, causing excessive damage.

Several Palestinians suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation after the army invaded the Abu Da’if village, east of Jenin, and clashed with local youth.

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