Israel to investigate footage that showed settlers shooting Palestinians as soldiers stand by

In this moment, Fathi Asayira, 24, is shot in the head. The urgent yells of Mr
Asayira’s neighbours rushing to help him are captured in the footage, which
has been collected and posted online by Israeli human rights group B’Tselem.
Mr Asayira is currently in a stable condition in a hospital in Nablus. Five
other Palestinians were injured by stones thrown during the incident.

“The video footage raises grave suspicions that the soldiers present did not
act to prevent the settlers from throwing stones and firing live ammunition
at the Palestinians,” explains Sarit Mitchell, director of B’Tselem, a group
that is closely monitoring an alleged increase in violence perpetrated by
Israeli settlers against Palestinian communities in the West Bank.

“The [settler attack] itself is not unusual but it is rare for settlers to
open fire. They have no authority to use live ammunition but in any case,
you can see this was not a life threatening situation. And most severe of
all, several soldiers are standing by and letting this happen.”

According to the United Nations office for the coordination of humanitarian
affairs in occupied Palestinian territory, the number of settler attacks on
Palestinians and their properties has increased by 144 per cent since 2009.
More than 90 per cent of complaints filed by Palestinians about settler
violence have been closed by the Israeli police in recent years without

B’Tselem has issued an urgent request to Israeli Judea and Samaria Police to
arrest and prosecute those involved in the attack. The rights group has also
written to the Military Police to request an investigation into why the
Israeli soldiers failed to intervene to stop the violence.

The Israeli Defence Force issued a statement on Monday acknowledging live
ammunition had been fired during the incident and that Israeli soldiers had
been present. “The incident is currently being investigated by the division
commander. That said, it appears that the video in question does not reflect
the incident in its entirety,” it read.

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