Israeli Occupation authority restricts movement freedom in O. J’lem as Ramadan is nearing

[ PIC 11/07/2012 – 09:16 AM ]

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– As the holy month of Ramadan is approaching, the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) starts to impose further restrictions on the movement of Palestinian natives and visitors in occupied Jerusalem.

Samer Ayesh, a merchant from Bab Al-Amoud area, said that before and during the holy month of Ramadan, the IOA and its forces wage provocative raids on commercial stores and owners of licensed stalls and embark on issuing fines against them.
Taxi driver Rajab Abu Hamdi, for his part, complained that the Israeli police started to carry out its restrictions a few days ago in Bab Al-Asbat area specifically in a yard belonging to the Islamic waqf authority and used by taxi drivers to provide services for tourists who visit the Churches of Gethsemane and Mary Magdalene.

He added that the Israeli police set up stone barriers and poles to prevent the drivers from using this yard.

The driver affirmed that the Israeli closure of many streets and parking lots and the different restrictions imposed on the movement of individuals and vehicles are aimed at reducing the number of Muslim visitors to the Aqsa Mosque.

The Israeli municipal council also sends its employees escorted by policemen to wage campaigns against any Palestinian moves to decorate the streets and roads of the old city of Jerusalem on the occasion of the holy month.

Samir Obeid, a native from the old city of Jerusalem, said that despite the Israeli attempts to prevent the decoration of the old city and its vicinity, the Palestinian popular committees manage somehow to embellish their neighborhoods with lanterns and ornamental lights.

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