Jacob Zuma in new political cartoon row

The controversy over The Spear and the cartoon have touched off some of the
most heated social debates in years, exposing the racial rifts that lie just
beneath the surface in Nelson Mandela’s self-styled “Rainbow Nation”.

The ANC, which has ruled since apartheid ended in 1994, has called the images
racist and intended to tarnish Zuma’s dignity in a manner similar to the
white-minority apartheid regime’s dehumanisation of South Africa’s black

Mr Zuma’s critics say the images are reflective of his colourful personal life
– as a practicing Zulu polygamist he has four wives and more than 20
children, but has also been caught having extramarital affairs.

Mail and Guardian editor Nicholas Dawes defended publication of the cartoon,
but conceded that the image might have gone too far.

“It’s quite possible that it is not a great cartoon,” he told
national broadcaster Talk Radio 702.

“It was an attempt to make a rude comment about the President. It was
intended to provoke.”

Source: Reuters

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