Jade Stringer: Schoolgirl, 14, found hanged in her bedroom was ‘being bullied ‘

  • Jade Stringer was discovered in bedroom by her father
  • Friends make claims about bullying on tribute pages

Matt Blake

06:48 EST, 18 June 2012


12:19 EST, 18 June 2012

A 14-year-old girl was driven to suicide after falling victim to bullies, her friends claimed today.

Jade Stringer, from Bury, Greater Manchester, died on Saturday six days after being discovered unconscious in her bedroom by her father, David.

Despite his attempts to resuscitate her, she never regained consciousness.

'Gorgeous in every way': Jade Stringer died on Saturday six days after being discovered unconscious in her bedroom by her father

‘Gorgeous in every way’: Jade Stringer died on Saturday six days after being discovered unconscious in her bedroom by her father

She was rushed to Fairfield General Hospital on June 10 where she died after almost a week on life support.

Friends of the teenager, who attended Haslingden High School, in nearby Rossendale, Lancs, claimed she’d been bullied.

Tributes to Jade left on Twitter and Facebook said she had been a victim of bullying.

One pupil wrote: ‘She was being bullied by numerous people.’

Chelsea Lazaruik added: ‘R.I.P jade
stringer you didn’t deserve to die the way you did bullying is horrible
your was gorgeous in everyway.. Sleep tight xxx.’

Vanessa Nuttall said: ‘Why anyone feels the need to bully someone so much is absolutely disgusting.’

It has also been reported she had
clashed with her father after her mobile phone was taken off her.

Police said they were not treating her death as suspicious but were ‘reviewing the circumstances’ leading up to the incident.

Popular: Friends of the teenager (far right) claimed she had been bullied

Popular: Friends of the teenager (far right) claimed she had been bullied

A Greater Manchester Police spokesman
said: ‘Shortly after 3.35pm on Sunday, 10 June, police were called by
paramedics to attend a house in Bolton Road in Hawkshaw, Edenfield
following a report a 14-year-old girl had been found unconscious.

‘The incident is not being treated as suspicious and we are not searching for anybody else in relation to the incident.

‘However, police are reviewing the circumstances leading up to this incident.’

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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Things have changed since I was at school, it used to be the pretty girls who were the bullies, now all the stories I read, it is the opposite.

About 8 years ago my daughter’s primary school wanted to bring in a No Blame policy for bullying. It was overturned because three of us Governors rejected it and forced the school to have a parents meeting. The parents also rejected it. Three years later with new Governors as most of us had come to the end of our term, it went ahead. And now I find, Councils are rejecting it too … too late. That type of ‘do gooder’ let this young lady down. I feel dreadfully sorry for her and her family, and thank Heavens that my daughter’s bullying didn’t have the same awful result., but never her school.

what WILL happen to the bullies now after this has happened – will they be identified?, the school must know who they are, the girls friends certainly do – what happens next?? or does it just fizzle away the fact that the actions of these lowlife bullies have resulted in the loss of a young, beautiful girls life…

Bullied because she’s beautiful and others are jealous , what kind of society is this

As a former teacher believe me dealing with bullies is extremely difficult, in spite of many strategies used in schools the bully will move into other areas out of the remit of teachers. Parents of bullies often refuse to accept their child is a bully, blood is thicker than water and their child is offered protection. Police and social services don’t want to know as it is something they cannot afford to monitor and it is not until a tradegy occurs that they sit up and take notice.

I don’t think that bullies bully just because they are jealous. I think they bully because being a bully makes them feel powerful. Don’t run away with the idea that it’s only younger people who bully! I think that the vast majority of bullies are adults. They bully work mates, their children, partner and neighbours, they tell racist and homophobic jokes. Bullies do not stop being bullies until someone stops them. They are the worst type of person.

The bullying probably happened outside school as well – however all schools should be reminded that they have a duty of care to their pupils and that the governing body and individual teachers could, and should, be held liable in these cases for the obvious failure in that duty. There’s nothing like the threat of anwering to the judiciary to concentrate the mind

Such a beautiful girl. R.I.P.

I cannot stand bullies, urgh they are just cowards.

Poor girl. I was bullied in school too. People who are being bullied need to know that school doesn’t last forever. It seems like a life time, but it is over eventually. These girl must have been bullied so horrendously. She was soooo beautiful and I’ll bet money that is why she was bullied. Bullied for her beauty. I hope these bullies now, or later in life, realise the pain they’ve caused this family, and that they drove a child to end her life, through their unthoughtfulness, jealousy and inconsideration. I hope she’s resting in peace. My thought’s go out to her family and friends.

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