Japan Panel: Fukushima Crisis ‘Man-Made’

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RIA Novosti
July 5, 2012

Last year’s crisis at the Fukushima nuclear plant was “a man-made disaster,” a Japanese parliamentary panel said in a report on Thursday.

The March 2011 accident “counld not be regarded as a natural disaster,” the Diet’s Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission said. “It was a profoundly manmade disaster – that could and should have been foreseen and prevented.”

The panel, established in May 2011, said the government and the plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO), failed to provide adequate prevention and “lacked a sense of responsibility to protect people’s lives.”

Some of the plant’s reactors melted down after a tsunami and 9.0-magnitude earthquake wrecked its cooling systems.

Tens of thousands of people were evacuated from a no-go zone around the stricken plant.

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12 Responses to “Japan Panel: Fukushima Crisis ‘Man-Made’”

  1. It appears nuclear weapons were been used to blow up Fukushima’s reactors .. Magna BSP, a security firm, allegedly installed massive “security cameras” inside the reactors prior to the disaster, these cameras weighed over 1,000 pounds, and look oddly similar to uranium gun type nuclear bombs .. http ://www.naturalnews.com/032692_Fukushima_earthquake.html#ixzz1zkCjAtBx

  2. I think a deep sea nuke was lit on a faultline,
    no international effort to entomb Fukushima,
    after Chernobyl and 3 mile island?!!

    the radiation leakage, ALLOWED..
    to cover up the footprint of the deep sea nuke.
    is all that makes any sense to me.

    THEN.. we had bungholio-bama spilling DU allover Libya,
    to do somilar damages to the other side of the planet.
    double crimes against nature and humanity, IMHO.

    wiggins Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 11:59 am

    Jim Stone (google) seemed to be of the same opinion, although VT rubbished it.
    Can’t think why, mind you, Gordon thinks Obama is the dog’s bollix.

  3. Capt. Obvious: In my opinion, your theory is nearly correct. However, I highly doubt that nukes were used; it seems to me that Nikola Telsa’s HAARP technology was the culprite.

    Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) is used to super-heat the Earth’s surface (in this case, the ocean floor). When this is concentrated to one small area, such as a fault-line, the iniators of the ELF simply coax the planet to “fault”.

    They didn’t neccessarily create an earthquake, they just “helped” the Earth along a little by squeezing it out a few decades/centuries early.

    Do you know of Bernard Eastlund ?
    United States Patent 4,686,605 ?

  4. It looks like the Israelis planted a bomb disguised as a camera. Now we are being continuously duoshed with nuclear fallout. someone remind me why we let the creeps run the world.


    Billo Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 9:41 am

    How about Israel?

  6. wow you guys are retarded, they declared it “man-made” because the plants should have been better protected from such disasters. You think if they legit thought it was caused by a human event they wouldnt be dropping bombs on us now? I mean, i know its hard to beleive an earthquake and resulting tidle wave along a fault line in the most tectonic active region on earth couldnt happen without HAARP intervention…

    Billo Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 10:34 am

    Your a genius. I guess you must know everything about the event. How did you get so smart?

  7. There are many graphs showing this was not a 9.0. Not enough devastation in my personal opinion. The tsunami was probably caused by a baby nuke or Grazer One technology.

    There are a lot of things that don’t add up in this event…

    wiggins Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 12:03 pm

    No, it was later reported as a 6, but by that time the hysteria had taken hold. What caused the tsunami?

  8. Fukishima is a MIHOP and dwarfs 911, indicating that it was
    carefully orchestrated to destroy 80 percent of the human population, and it looks like they’re going to succeed in doing it.
    When ( and I hope it’s an IF ) their stockpiles of morphine are exhausted, their nerve ending will be totally exposed to the demons of Hell. How will we report this ? “Better make it

    Do I hate these vampires ? No … I just find them rather pathetic.

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