Japanese man, 22, cooks his own genitals and serves them to paying dinner party guests

  • Mao Sugiyama cooked his own genitalia and garnished them with mushrooms and parsley
  • Five guests paid around £160 each for the meal
  • Sugiyama, 22, who is asexual, voluntarily underwent surgery to have his penis removed

Rob Cooper

08:45 EST, 25 May 2012


10:54 EST, 25 May 2012

A man who had his genitals removed seasoned them before cooking them for five paying dinner party guests, it has been claimed.

Mao Sugiyama, 22, who is asexual, had voluntarily undergone surgery to have them removed.

But the illustrator took his frozen penis and scrotum home from hospital and organised a grim party.

Grim: Mao Sugiyama, 22, prepares to serve up his genitals as dinner for five paying guests at a party he organised in Tokyo, Japan

Grim: Mao Sugiyama, 22, prepares to serve up his genitals as dinner for five paying guests at a party he organised in Tokyo, Japan

He charged guests around £160 per person to eat his severed genitalia in Tokyo, Japan.

They were garnished with mushrooms and parsley.

Before tucking into dinner, guests sat down to listen to a piano recital and take part in a panel discussion, CalorieLab.com reported.

Mao, who goes by the nickname HC, had initially considered eating his own penis – but decided to serve them up instead.

He cooked the genitalia himself as he was supervised by a chef.

In a Tweet, he offered to cook his penis for a guest for £800. However, he ultimately decided to split the ‘meal’ between six guests.

He wrote on Twitter: ‘I am offering my male genitals (full penis, testes, scrotum) as a meal for 100,000 yen (£800). I’m Japanese.

‘The organs were surgically removed at age 22. I was tested to be free of venereal diseases. The organs were of normal function. I was not receiving female hormone treatment.

‘First interested buyer will get them, or I will also consider selling to a group. Will prepare and cook as the buyer requests, at his chosen location. If you have questions, please contact me by DM or e-mail.’

In total around 70 people attended the event in the Suginami ward of Tokyo. While five people tucked into Mao Sugiyama’s genitalia, the rest of them ate beef or crocodile.

Unusual party: Mao Sugiyama, 22, garnished his penis with mushrooms and parsley before serving it up to guests in Tokyo (pictured)

Unusual party: Mao Sugiyama, 22, garnished his penis with mushrooms and parsley before serving it up to guests in Tokyo (pictured)

The people who ate his genitalia were a 30-year-old couple, a 22-year-old women, a 32-year-old man and Shigenobu Matsuzawa, 29, an event planner.

He Tweeted before the event: ‘It’s a once in a lifetime chance, so I decided on the spur of the moment to do it.’

He posted pictures of the event on his blog, but later removed them and said his decision to take them down was due to ‘privacy considerations’.

Sugiyama made guests sign a waiver so he was not responsible if they became ill after eating his genitalia. They were removed in early April shortly after his 22nd birthday.

The dinner party organiser joked before the event that he would be posting his recipe online.

Guests said that the genitalia were very rubbery and tasted of very little, CalorieLab.com reported.

Suginami Police were contacted but did not launch an investigation because they said nothing had been done which was against the law.

Sugiyama, who is an illustrator, has also had his nipples removed.

As an asexual, his genitalia will not be replaced with artificial female ones.

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this is the biggest hoax ever!

I’m gagging!!

Nothing illegal?! Cannibalism is legal in Japan? Sick!!! All these sickos should be arrested.

Bleeurgh,they’d have to pay me and then I still wouldn’t.

you know those times when you wish you could go back and undo something you’ve just done… reading this is one of the moments…

Waste not want not. A lot of edible stuff must go into hospital incinerators!

One of the guests, a French tourist, innocently ordered coq au vin.

It fed 5 people!?

Asexual? Well if that’s what you want to call it…

Let me guess, he served it up as “coq au vin”?

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