Judge orders mom to chop off daughter’s hair to punish the girl for hacking chunks out of a toddler’s locks

  • Kaytlen Lopan cut three-year-old’s hair after befriending her in McDonald’s
  • Judge agreed to shorten girl’s sentence if mother cut her hair in courtroom
  • Now family is filing complaint over judge’s ‘intimidating’ order

Laura Cox

15:45 EST, 23 June 2012


16:11 EST, 24 June 2012

A  mother is furious after a judge ordered her 13-year-old daughter to cut off her ponytail in return for a lesser sentence after she attacked a toddler with scissors and hacked off chunks of her hair. 

Kaytlen Lopan and an 11-year-old friend launched their assault on the three-year-old at a McDonald’s restaurant in Price, Utah, buying a pair of scissors from a nearby dollar shop and chopping off her long curly locks.

Kaytlen was ordered to serve 30 days in detention, pay damages to the victims and serve 276 hours of community service for her part in the attack, at a hearing on May 28.

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Toddler haircut victim

Toddler haircut victim

Before and after: Kaytlen Lopan’s three-year-old victim, pictured, had never had her hair cut before the attack

But her mother, Valerie Bruno, took up a judge’s offer of reducing the sentence if she performed a similar hack job to her daughter’s hair.

District Juvenile Judge Scott Johansen said he would drop the number of hours by 150 in exchange for the amateur haircut, the Deseret News reported.

‘If she was my daughter, I wouldn’t want her with the work crew,’ he said, to which Ms Bruno replied: ‘I know, I thought of that.’

Mr Johansen gave Ms Bruno a pair of scissors and consulted the victim’s mother, Mindy Moss, about what length the girl’s hair should be taken to, eventually ordering Ms Bruno to cut it level with the hairband tying it up. 

He even gave her advice on the cut, suggesting that Ms Bruno ‘take a little bit at a time’ when she complained that the scissors weren’t good enough.

Haircut: Kaytlen after having her hair chopped off by her mother during her trial in Utah last month

Haircut: Kaytlen after having her hair chopped off by her mother during her trial in Utah last month

Valerie Bruno, mother of 13-year-old Kaytlen Lopan, said she has filed a complaint against the judge

Mindy Moss.

Parents: Kaytlen’s mother Valerie Bruno, left, has complained about her daughter’s treatment, but the victim’s mother Mindy Moss, right, saw it as only fair

Unorthodox: The bizarre punishment was invented by District Juvenile Judge Scott Johansen

Unorthodox: The bizarre punishment was invented by District Juvenile Judge Scott Johansen

Ms Moss said she was happy with the outcome, adding that her daughter’s hair had never been cut prior to the attack and had reached down to the middle of her back.

But Ms Bruno was furious and has
since claimed to have filed a complaint against the judge, although that
has not been confirmed by the court.

definitely needed to be punished for what had happened,’ Ms Bruno told
said. ‘But I never dreamt it would be that much of a punishment.’

She added that she wishes she had never accepted the judge’s bargaining offer. 

guess I should have went into the courtroom knowing my rights, because I
felt very intimidated,’ she said. ‘An eye for an eye, that’s not how
you teach kids right from wrong.’

11-year-old accused alongside Kaytlen was ordered by Mr Johansen to
have her hair cut as short as his, but was allowed to get it done at a
salon, rather than in the courtroom. 

was not really unattractive. They tried to make it decent, but there
was really nothing left,’ he was heard saying in court, according to the

Kaytlen also
admitted to charges in another case regarding eight months of phone
calls that she made to a Colorado teen, threatening rape and mutilation.

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Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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Ms. Bruno brought up a brat who thinks it’s okay to cut off most of a 3-year-old hair, and spent eight months telephoning threats to someone, yet still think she knows how to teach someone right from wrong? I think not. Valerie Bruno, you are a failure. Where was she when her daughter was cutting this child’s hair? Where was she when the brat made all those threatening phone calls? Did she not notice the phone bills? Had I been the judge, I’d have ordered them to have buzz cuts, with a #1 or #2 guard. These girls have some serious issues and need to be kept away from one another.

Where was the little girl’s mother when they were cutting her hair? The older girls met her at McDonald’s, went out and bought a scissors and came back to McDonald’s, and cut the little girl’s hair? The 11 year old had to have HER hair cut as short as the judge’s hair? Am I missing something? Crazy

Yank story of little meaning to UK readers .

What a Brilliant Judge – and the mother of the awful brat, Kaytlen, should be made to go to parenting classes as she obviously hasn’t brought her child up properly.

I think young Kaytlen’s only just started – her mother needs to be far more concerned about where her daughter is heading than concerning herself with her ponytail. Great justice as far as I’m concerned, but I’m much more disturbed to read of a 13 year old (with an accomplice) attacking a little 3 year old with scissors (premeditated too), and then of the harassment charges as well. Kaytlen has some nasty issues.

I’d have cut off that little thugs hands. Christ, if anybody attacked my 3 year old with a pair of scissors I wouldn’t be responsible for my actions.
– Iona, Devon, 6/24/12 5:02 PM
Hands don’t grow back. You should really try to calm down.
And the thing is, you WOULD be responsible.

They all look slightly deranged. Reminder to self – never visit Utah.
– Perry, Derry, 6/24/12 5:29 PM
Promises, promises…

Two wrongs don’t make a right.
– Richard, Huddersfield, 24/6/2012 20:54
They make an evens though.

if that was one of my girl I would shave there heads never mind just cutting it , but I brought my kids up better then that ,

Two children, one of which was eleven, attacked a 3 year old and this girls mother has the nerve to complain about her treatment. Theres no hint of shame or remorse so it shows what enviroment this eleven year old has been raised in. She should stop talking and quietly go away!

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