Junior Seau Memorial: Peyton Manning, Dan Fouts, John Elway Join Fans To Pay Respects (PHOTOS)

Junior Seau Memorial

SAN DIEGO. — Hours after Junior Seau was buried in his hometown, thousands of fans attended a public memorial service at Qualcomm Stadium, where the hard-hitting, fist-pumping linebacker starred for 13 seasons.

Many wore Seau’s No. 55 jersey – in Chargers blue, Southern California cardinal and gold and Miami Dolphins aqua and orange.

Among those attending were Seau’s parents, his ex-wife and their children, several current and former Chargers, and former rival John Elway. Elway, who now runs Denver’s front office, was accompanied by new Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning and coach John Fox, a former assistant with San Diego.

Seau’s No. 55 was painted at midfield.

Seau committed suicide on May 2 at his Oceanside home. He played parts of 20 seasons in the NFL, with the Chargers, Dolphins and New England Patriots.

After a private funeral earlier Friday, Seau was buried at Eternal Hills cemetery.

Those scheduled to speak Friday night at Qualcomm were Dan Fouts, LaDainian Tomlinson and Bobby Ross, the only coach to get the Chargers to the Super Bowl.

Chargers chaplain Shawn Mitchell opened the service with a prayer.

“Junior, we don’t know if you can see this down here, but tonight’s your night.”

Said Fouts: “Our paths never crossed on the field, but boy could we have used him with the offense of Air Coryell. I’m also glad I never had to play against him. I could just imagine the thought of him sacking me, then standing over me and dancing all over me.”

Someone yelled, “Ask Elway!”

Fouts called it a “classy move” for Elway, Manning and Fox to attend, and the crowd cheered.

Need help? In the U.S., call 1-800-273-8255 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

  • Junior Seau Memorial

    Seau family members come on stage during a tribute to former NFL star Junior Seau during a public memorial at Qualcomm Stadium May 11, 2012 in San Diego, California.

  • Junior Seau Memorial

  • Junior Seau Memorial

    Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning waves during a public memorial service for late NFL football player Junior Seau at Qualcomm Stadium Friday, May 11, 2012, in San Diego.

  • Junior Seau Memorial

    John Elway attends a public memorial service for late NFL football player Junior Seau at Qualcomm Stadium on Friday, May 11, 2012, in San Diego.

  • Junior Seau Memorial

    A fan whistles as an image of late NFL football player Junior Seau is displayed on a screen during a public memorial service for Seau at Qualcomm Stadium Friday, May 11, 2012, in San Diego.

  • Junior Seau Memorial: Chargers Host Buried In Hometown

    Tyler Seau, center, the son of Junior Seau, reacts to fans during a public memorial service for the late NFL football player Junior Seau at Qualcomm Stadium Friday, May 11, 2012, in San Diego. At rear are pastor Miles McPherson, left, San Diego Chargers owner Dean Spanos, second from right, his wife Susie Spanos, second from left, and Seau’s daughter, Sydney Seau.

  • Junior Seau Memorial

    Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning gestures during a public memorial service for late football player Junior Seau at Qualcomm Stadium, Friday, May 11, 2012, in San Diego.

  • Junior Seau Memorial

    Former San Diego Chargers running back LaDainian Tomlinson points upward during a public memorial service for the late NFL football player Junior Seau at Qualcomm Stadium Friday, May 11, 2012, in San Diego.

  • Junior Seau Memorial

    Luisa Seau, center, mother of the late Junior Seau, waves to fans as Junior’s father Tiaina Seau, left, walks after a public memorial service for football player Junior at Qualcomm Stadium, Friday, May 11, 2012, in San Diego.

  • Junior Seau Memorial

    Former San Diego Chargers quarterback Dan Fouts speaks during a public memorial service for late football player Junior Seau at Qualcomm Stadium, Friday, May 11, 2012, in San Diego.

  • Junior Seau Memorial

    The mother of the late Junior Seau, Luisa Seau, looks back during a public memorial service for the football player at Qualcomm Stadium, Friday, May 11, 2012, in San Diego.

  • Junior Seau Memorial

    Sean Dockery writes “Junior R.I.P” on a board during a public memorial service for the late NFL football player Junior Seau at Qualcomm Stadium on Friday, May 11, 2012, in San Diego.

  • Junior Seau Memorial

    Messages are written on a board emblazoned with a No. 55 during a public memorial service for late football player Junior Seau at Qualcomm Stadium, Friday, May 11, 2012, in San Diego.

  • Junior Seau Memorial

    Two people arrive for a public memorial service for late football player Junior Seau at Qualcomm Stadium, Friday, May 11, 2012, in San Diego.

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