Juror on rape trial fined £450 after smoking joint on his lunch break

Daily Mail Reporter

19:15 EST, 18 May 2012


19:28 EST, 18 May 2012

Shezad Hussain, who was caught smoking cannabis outside a courthouse whilst taking a break from sitting on a rape trial

Shezad Hussain, who was caught smoking cannabis outside a courthouse whilst taking a break from sitting on a rape trial

A juror on a rape trial who smoked a cannabis joint in his lunch hour was today fined £450 after admitting contempt of court.

Shezad Hussain, 26, puffed the drug at a bus stop just yards from the entrance to Bolton Crown Court, Greater Manchester.

But he was spotted by a juror on another case who alerted police.

Hussain at first denied but then admitted the offence, blaming stress following a violent attack on his family-owned corner shop by ‘gangsters’.

The father-of-one from Hamel Street, Bolton had been one of 12 jurors on a week-long case of a man accused of raping a child.

Last Friday lunch time, with the jury about to go out to consider its verdicts later that afternoon, the father-of-one went outside on his break when he was spotted smoking the joint by the other juror, who retrieved the used butt from the pavement to hand to police.

Hussain at first denied it was his until he had a change of heart and apologised when warned by Pc Michael Bailey that the butt could be examined for his DNA.

The trial judge then had to adjourn the case while the police investigated and legal discussions took place.

Hussain was dismissed from the jury on Monday, charged with contempt of court and told to speak to a solicitor.

Yesterday he appeared before the same judge, this time sitting at Manchester Crown Court, where he admitted the single charge of contempt of court.

Hussain, who works in a Cash and Carry shop as well as the family corner shop, was fined two weeks wages, £450.

Shezad Hussain, 26, puffed the drug at a bus stop just yards from the entrance to Bolton Crown Court, Greater Manchester (pictured)

Shezad Hussain, 26, puffed the drug at a bus stop just yards from the entrance to Bolton Crown Court, Greater Manchester (pictured)

Ben Lawrence, defending, told the judge there were significant mitigating circumstances to explain the Hussain’s behaviour.

‘Mr Hussain is no more than an occasional user of cannabis. He uses it probably unwisely to deal with times of stress,’ Mr Lawrence said.

Hussain said it was the first and only time he had used the drug while sitting as a juror and only did so after by chance bumping into a friend outside the court who was smoking cannabis and offered him the joint.

The defendant lives with his pregnant wife, two-year-old son, mother and two sisters at their corner shop in Bolton. Mr Lawrence said ‘just a few weeks’ ago the premises suffered a violent break-in by two ‘well known gangsters’ who made threats and attempted to rob the shop. Both were arrested by police.

No papers or drugs were found on Hussain after the cannabis incident at the court and he did not appear ‘drunk’ or incapable of serving on the jury.

In any event the jury was unable to reach a verdict and a retrial was ordered.

Passing sentence, Recorder Nicholas Clarke QC, said he accepted normally Hussain was a hard working family man with no previous criminal record.

‘I accept you have embarrassed yourself and brought shame on yourself,’ the judge added.

‘Defendants, witnesses and the public are entitled to expect those who come to do jury service will do it without taking drugs.’

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Contempt indeed ! Which is just what I feel about him. A jurer needs a clear mind to arrive at a just decision. Should have got ten years !

Soon as the sun shines I will be out in the garden smoking a joint, barbecued beef is favourite, with a glass of Bishops Finger ale.

Cannabis should be legalised. We are mature enough to make a decision to smoke it. Plus the government could collect a reasonable tax on it.
However, smoking cannabis during a court case is irresponsible. No one would drink 5 or 6 pints before continuing as a juror.

I’m really not suprised by this. Greater Manchester Police have effectually legalised cannabis. A couple of weeks ago I went into the Gorton main Post Office here in Manchester and the whole place absolutely stank of the stuff. About an hour later I was walking along the street near my home and again the smell of cannabis was in the air. Nobody seems to care. It is being openly smoked in the streets and in people’s gardens. What I find particularly insane is the fact that politicians have gone to extreme lengths to ensure that nobody has to breathe in cigarette smoke, yet those same politicians seem to think that it is perfectable acceptable to breathe in cannabis smoke. Many politicians still want to officially legalise cannabis, and appear to be doing so by the back door.

Whoever reported him is a *****.

this kid serious? he’s at a place of law to break the law.

Made an example of you mate.Court right out.

What a dope!

Theres no cure for stupid.

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