Katie Holmes says she is entering ‘new phase’ of her life

Jenna Miscavige Hill, 28, whose uncle is church leader David Miscavige, became
the latest former member to condemn the group, which is supported Cruise.

She left in 2005 after receiving what she called a “lousy education from
unqualified teachers, forced labour, long hours, forced confessions and
mental anguish”.

Ms Miscavige Hill said Holmes would need fortitude to take on the church,
which had “experts in twisting the truth and intimidation tactics”.

She added: “My experience in growing up in Scientology is that it is both
mentally and at times physically abusive. As a mother myself, I offer my
support to Katie and wish for her all of the strength she will need to do
what is best for her and her daughter.”

Cruise, 50, and Holmes, 33, have now cut off all direct contact with each
other following her decision to file for divorce, and custody of Suri, in
New York on June 28. They married in 2006 and Mr Miscavige was Cruise’s best

The couple are now communicating only through legal teams. Cruise, Hollywood’s
most bankable star, has hired high profile celebrity divorce lawyer Dennis
Wasser, who also handled his split from Nicole Kidman in 2001.

Leaks from inside both camps say relations between Cruise and Holmes have now
become “very bitter”. Cruise is able to speak to his daughter once
a day by telephone but she has not been told about the end of the marriage.

After being blindsided by the divorce filing, his team appeared to begin a
fightback with sources close to the star suggesting he feels “betrayed,”
saying that his wife was using Suri as a “weapon” in the divorce,
and that those around her are making it difficult for him to see his

One source told People magazine: “Say what you will about Tom, but there
is no doubt he loves his daughter. Not seeing her would be very hard on him.”

According to one report, Cruise’s adopted daughter Bella, 19, was fired from a
job at Holmes’ clothing line two months ago.

Cruise, who was filming in Iceland when the divorce papers were filed, had
planned to spend his 50th birthday on July 3 in New York with his wife and
daughter. Instead, he flew to Los Angeles and spent it with his adopted
children Bella, and Connor, 17.

A source said the atmosphere there was “sombre” and “very, very

Cruise is due to move on to filming in the Rockies by the weekend.

Meanwhile, the Church of Scientology, which has always fiercely tried to guard
its public image, faced a flurry of further potentially damaging claims,
including unconfirmed reports that members of Mr Miscavige’s own family had
left its secretive International Base in California in recent months.

There was also renewed interest in the whereabouts of his wife Shelly with an
anti-Scientology group claiming she was missing.

But the church issued a statement saying she was “not missing” and
the claim was “utterly ridiculous and unfounded”.

If she was raised a Scientologist, then Suri would face being “audited”
with an “e-meter,” which measures responses to questions such as “Have
you ever lied to a teacher?” and “Have you ever gotten yourself
dirty on purpose?”

She could also face joining the subgroup Sea Org, in which the most dedicated
Scientologists sign a billion-year pledge of allegiance and wear
maritime-style uniforms.

Holmes, who was raised a Catholic, is now believed to have enrolled her
daughter in a Catholic school on the US east coast.

The actress was photographed laughing and smiling as she took Suri for ice
cream, and pushing her around a New York supermarket in a trolley.

Approached by the New York Daily News, she said: “I’m alright, thank you.”

Marty Rathbun, who was Cruise’s auditor before leaving the Church of
Scientology in 2004, said: “Katie could blow Scientology wide open. She
could press this sole custody issue and litigate it and that would be the
biggest nightmare in the Church of Scientology’s history. It would be a
circus they couldn’t survive.”

The church has dismissed critical former members as “excommunicated
self-promoters” who “cannot be believed”.

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