Keep quiet on border delays, Heathrow told as security agency bans leaflets that apologise for queues at immigrations

Ian Drury and Rosie Taylor

17:47 EST, 28 April 2012


18:38 EST, 29 April 2012

A top border official sent an email to Heathrow Airport staff berating them for encouraging passengers to complain over huge queues at immigration control.

The email orders airport operator BAA to stop handing out ‘inflammatory’ leaflets to passengers apologising for the ‘very long delays’ of up to several hours.

It also instructs them to stop passengers taking pictures of the queues.

Queues at Border Control at London's Heathrow Airport (pictured)

The issue of queues at Border Control at London’s Heathrow Airport (pictured) is to be debated by a government committee ahead of the influx of visitors expected for the Olympics

The length of queues for arrivals at
border control has caused increasing anger, with reports of some
passengers storming through because they have grown so furious at the

Airport operator BAA has tried to
defuse tensions with a leaflet apologising for the problems, saying that
people arriving in the country ‘deserved a warmer welcome’ and
explaining how to complain to the Home Office.

But Marc Owen, director of Border
Force operations at Heathrow, has told BAA that the leaflets are
‘inappropriate’ and that ministers would take ‘a very dim view’.

In an email obtained by the Daily
Telegraph, he said: ‘The leaflet… is both inflammatory and likely to
increase tensions in arrivals halls, especially in the current

‘It is inappropriate in that it is not for you to display how to complain on our behalf.

‘Please refrain from handing out (the
leaflets) or I will escalate (the matter) with ministers who are likely
to take a very dim view. I know there are copies in the hall and your
troops are ready with them.’

Airlines and airport bosses fear Heathrow will be unable to cope with the millions visiting Britain for the Olympics

Airlines and airport bosses fear Heathrow, which handles about 190,000 passengers a day, will be unable to cope with the millions visiting Britain for the Olympics and Diamond Jubilee

Mr Owen also told BAA to prevent
frustrated passengers taking pictures in the arrivals hall, after photos
of lengthy queues were posted on Twitter.

Former transport minister Jim
Fitzpatrick, Labour’s aviation spokesman, said: ‘This is a pure
cover-up. I can understand people wanting to take pictures of the
queues. This is further evidence of Border Force trying to hide the
severity of the problem.

‘Passengers need to know how to register complaints and for Border Force to try to prevent them doing so is outrageous.’

Damian Green, Minister for Borders and Immigration, has been ordered to make an appearance before the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee

Damian Green, Minister for Borders and Immigration, has been ordered to make an appearance before the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee about the issue of immigration queues at Heathrow

In a joint statement issued last
night, Border Force and BAA said: ‘The majority of passengers pass
through immigration control quickly but there are sometimes delays at
airports for a range of reasons. We think it’s important passengers are
given the full picture.

‘We will not compromise border security but we will work together to keep delays to a minimum.’

Labour’s immigration spokesman Chris
Bryant said: ‘The Government is in danger of scoring an extraordinary
double own goal, undermining our border security and giving a chaotic
first impression of the UK.

‘No airport in the world is designed to keep
thousands of people waiting to get through passport control. [Home
Secretary] Theresa May and [Immigration Minister] Damian Green need
urgently to make resources available so that the events of this week are
not repeated.

‘The Home Secretary… needs to avoid chaos at our borders come the Summer, the Olympic Games and thereafter.’

The row comes after several incidents
of angry passengers storming past border guards at Britain’s airports in
frustration at queues.

On Wednesday, a frustrated Spanish
passenger at Heathrow barged through passport control, but was
intercepted by counter-terrorism officers. But last month, about 20
passengers stormed border control at Birmingham Airport after a two-hour
wait. Hotelier Alan Fitzpatrick described how holidaymakers made ‘a
dash for it, pushing Border Agency staff aside’. He added: ‘There were
scuffles, people being knocked to the ground and then resignation from
the powers that be, who stepped aside to let the crowd through.’

The Home Office admitted border controls had been breached but said passengers subsequently had their passports checked.

On Thursday, police were deployed at Heathrow’s Terminal 5 when a group of Americans began shouting at border staff.

At one terminal last week there were just three passport staff on duty for EU arrivals, and another three for non-EU nationals.

The trouble has been caused by the reintroduction of full passport checks following controversy over their relaxation last year.


Retired immigration officers will be brought back to ease airport border control queues during the Olympics, it was reported today.

Passport checkpoint veterans will return to duty over the summer to cope with the extra visitors set to descend on south east terminals.

The Sunday Telegraph reported the Border Force, an agency of the Home Office, planned to spend £2.5 million bringing back ex-members of staff who will receive travel expenses, be given hotel accommodation and paid allowances of up to £30 an hour.

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
or debate this issue live on our message boards.

The comments below have been moderated in advance.

Since when has even half an hour queuing been acceptable?

@ john, sussex, 29/4/2012 10:38. Are you talking about the same Border Agency which allowed ex US Marine Steven Greenoe to smuggle 63 pistols into the UK from the US on 9 different trips in 2010??

At least some comments made hit the nail on the head.”Trade” unions – the scourge of the UK for decades. The chaos is organized – and not just at airports. Unfortunately the British have lost the work ethic.

What we need to do is fine all illegals and bogus asylum seekers,after all they have broken the law,enough to cover their removal and to make some profit.Watch the governments attitudes change very quickly when profit is involved,hand over tracing and removal functions to private companies,who will then get paid on results,the immigration service in a short time would work very efficiently.We would soon have less need to check those coming onto the country,knowing they will soon get returned,so less congestion at immigration counters.This would solve a few problems.

Why don’t we give some solid British Immigration officers the right to use their discretion on who can come quickly through. Do NOT, of course, publicise this discretion. It seems to me they can use common sense to see who are those returning from holiday or who are obviously a family of British origin. If some people resent the idea that’s hard luck, but something must be done to speed up the process.

Should dictionaries of synonyms now incorporate British Government and incompetence together? It’s increasingly hard to see light between the two now.

The answer is quiet simple:- uk only single nationality passport holders in one line, eu single nationality holders in another, dual eu/uk/restof the world in another, Rest of the world in another.

The following words are on the inside front cover of every British passport.
“Her Britannic Majesty’s Secretary Of State Requests and requires in the name of Her Majesty all those whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hinderance, and to afford the bearer such assistance and protection as may be necessary”
I’m sure the UK Border force are aware of them, its about time they acted on them. What part of “freely without let or hinderance” don’t they understand?

I suppose we should thank the Olympics for highlighting this dreadful state of affairs and appalling public sector “process”
Those who are are in the KNOW really do now have an opportunity to look at this issue, which needs sorting and sorting quick, both for the economy of this country and-of course-it’s safety.
Move it and get yourselves doubling.

it should take as long as it takes as long as security is taking priority. i travel abroad by plane and i dont care how long it takes to get through customs as long as i know terrorists, criminals and illegal immigrants are being stopped. all it means you make your arrangements before hand to counteract the longer process, what is so hard or awful with this. stop moaning and get on with it. the same should apply for vehicles entering the country, all should be checked.

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