Kids’ Kidney Transplant Rules May Have Shrunk ‘Race Gap’

THURSDAY, April 26 (HealthDay News) — Racial disparities in
kidney transplants for U.S. children have fallen since a new policy was
introduced in 2005 by the United Network for Organ Sharing, researchers

The policy, called Share 35, preferentially offers kidneys from
deceased donors younger than age 35 to children who need a kidney
transplant. While a kidney from a living donor is preferable, a kidney
from a deceased donor can save a child’s life.

In the past, black and Hispanic children with kidney failure were less
likely to receive a kidney transplant than white children, the study
authors noted.

In the new study, Dr. Sandra Amaral of The Children’s Hospital of
Philadelphia and colleagues looked at nearly 2,300 children with kidney
failure who received a transplant before Share 35 and more than 2,400 who
received a transplant after the introduction of the new policy.

Overall, children with kidney failure were 46 percent more likely to
receive a deceased-donor kidney transplant after Share 35 was implemented,
with increases of 81 percent for Hispanics, 45 percent for blacks, and 37
percent for whites.

After Share 35 took effect, deceased-donor transplants occurred an
average of 201 days earlier for Hispanic patients, 90 days earlier for
black patients, and 63 days earlier for white patients.

With Share 35, children of all races had a shift from living- to
deceased-donor kidneys. The reduction in living-donor kidneys was 48
percent for Hispanics, 46 percent for blacks and 25 percent for

The findings show that Share 35 has reduced racial disparities in terms
of how likely and how soon children will receive a deceased-donor kidney
transplant, Amaral and colleagues noted.

The study was published online April 26 in the Journal of the
American Society of Nephrology

“Reduced racial disparities in access to deceased-donor kidney
transplant for children with end-stage kidney disease is a very positive
step toward achieving equity in overall transplant access for all
children; however, greater declines in living donors for all pediatric
patients, particularly for those of black or Hispanic ethnicity, may be a
concern,” Amaral said in a journal news release.

“Less access to living donors for children with end-stage kidney
disease may mean that these patients have less access to the best-quality
kidneys and less potential for the best graft survival,” she

Currently, more than 800 children and adolescents in the United States
are waiting for a kidney transplant.

More information

The National Kidney Foundation has more about kidney transplantation.

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