Kindle Fire HD Teardown Reveals Repairs Are (Relatively) Easy

Hardware site iFixIt posted a teardown of the new Kindle Fire HD tablet, revealing more details about its inner workings and that it’s easy to take apart for repairs.

Although the teardown revealed a lot of what we already know about the 7-inch device, we did learn from some interesting tidbits. For example, unlike the iPad, which said to be quite difficult to take apart, only a simple plastic opening tool was needed to remove the back cover of the Kindle Fire HD. That should make it easy for those wanting to repair the device to get in and make needed adjustments.

SEE ALSO: Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7 Is a Great Tablet and a Great Value [REVIEW]

The battery is a 3.7-volt, 4400-milliamp-hour, 16.43 watt-hour lithium-ion model, a type that powers many mobile devices and takes up a lot of the inner space. For the first time, though, it’s found enclosed within a metal casing in the Kindle Fire HD. It’s also securely positioned with no adhesive.

“We believe this is for structural reinforcement, as well as for shielding the battery from any possible electrical damage,” iFixIt said.

Meanwhile, the motherboard is a Texas Instruments OMAP 4460 dual-core processor, a powerful system for running graphics. Also under the hood; 16GB of Samsung KLMAG2GE4A eMMC Flash storage with a controller.

The teardown also reveals LG manufactures the Kindle Fire HD’s display, and it’s fused together with the front glass panel. This means that if an owner ever had a problem with the display, they would have to replace the entire assembly as one unit rather than atwo separate entities.

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The Amazon Kindle Fire HD is a 7-inch tablet that costs $199 and goes on sale Sept. 20. Like its predecessor, it’s a bit buggy, but it’s also one of the best tablet deals you can find. This is the library screen, which shows your books. Navigation to other media is in the strip up top.

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The Amazon Kindle Fire HD is a 7-inch tablet that costs $199 and goes on sale Sept. 20. Like its predecessor, it’s a bit buggy, but it’s also one of the best tablet deals you can find. This is the library screen, which shows your books. Navigation to other media is in the strip up top.

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