‘Kurdistan not to hand over Hashemi’

Kurdish regional President Massoud Barzani said in a speech to his Kurdistan Democratic Party on Thursday that “Kurdistan will not hand over Hashemi because Kurdish ethics do not allow us to do that.”

Hashemi is accused of ordering attacks and deadly bombings against innocent Iraqi civilians as well as government and security officials over the past years, including a November 2011 car bombing in the capital Baghdad that apparently targeted Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

Hashemi claims that the charges against him are political and that the courts in Baghdad are biased, hence he will not return there for trial. He has offered to stand trial in the city of Kirkuk where Kurds hold power.

On December 19, 2011, an investigative committee within the Iraqi Interior Ministry issued an arrest warrant for Hashemi after three of his bodyguards made confessions of taking orders from him to carry out the terrorist attacks. Hashemi later fled to the Kurdistan region.


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