‘Lay down the red flag and serve France’ Nicolas Sarkozy tells his country’s militant unions

Pointing to endorsement that the leader of France’s biggest union – the Communist-backed CGT – had given to his Socialist rival, Mr Sarkozy addressed the unions directly, telling them to “stay out of party politics”.

Portraying himself as the champion of free enterprise, he called for a “new French model built not on state bureaucracy but an entrepreneurial state…where to speak about flexibility is not a crime”.

Telling the Left had it no “monopoly” on workers’ rights, he said the Socialists had “damaged work while claiming to defend it.

“You have made workers poorer while claiming to protect them. You introduced the 35-hour (working week). You brought the retirement age back to 60 without the slightest centime to finance it. You will increase labour costs,” he warned.

With unemployment French voters’ top concern, Mr Sarkozy said he had to think not just of the 5 million-odd state-sector “fonctionnaires” who have virtual jobs for life, but the 20 million-odd other private sector workers far more exposed to the chill winds of the economic crisis.

“There are three days left for everyone to understand that on Sunday, they vote not for a candidate but for themselves.”

Even as Mr Sarkozy spoke, almost 50,000 unionists descended on Paris’ revolutionary Place de la Bastille, one of hundreds of marches around France, in a traditional Labour Day show of force to celebrate workers’ rights.

Mr Hollande stayed away but several top Socialist Party officials, including leader Martine Aubry, were in the cortege, along with far-Left firebrand Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Between these two “armies”, Miss Le Pen led a march to Paris’ Place de l’Opéra past the statue of Joan of Arc, an iconic figure for the party who turns 600 this year.

In dire need of a huge chunk of Le Pen voters, Mr Sarkozy continued gunning for her electorate yesterday, underlining France’s “Christian roots” and in a radio interview saying he thought France had too many immigrants.

In a further concession, Mr Sarkozy’s defence minister, Gérard Longuet, told the far-Right magazine Minute that Miss Le Pen was not as unpalatable as her father, Jean-Marie, and could be an “interlocutor” with his UMP party – a comment the Socialists described as “pathetic”.

Rejecting the overture, Miss Le Pen urged the 6.4 million voters who secured her party a record 18% of the vote in the first round to shun Mr Sarkozy and Mr Hollande, the “Siamese twins” of the mainstream Right and Left.

She told them: “I have made my choice. Each of you will make yours. You are free citizens and you should vote according to your conscience. I will not give my confidence or my mandate for one or the other. Sunday, I will vote blank.”

Claiming to have become “the centre of gravity” of the presidential campaign, Miss Le Pen hopes to “paint the National Assembly Marine blue” in parliamentary elections in June. She is banking on the mainstream Right imploding should Mr Sarkozy lose and stands to challenge the mainstream Right and Left in more than 350 constituencies.

With campaigning to end on Friday and Mr Hollande up to ten points ahead in polls, all eyes are on a sole televised debate tonight, seen as Mr Sarkozy’s last chance to swing the election in his favour.

“We’re in the last week and today the question is about credibility, not popularity,” said Sarkozy spokeswoman Valérie Pecresse. “None of Hollande’s promises during this campaign has financing, none can be realised.”

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