Lesbian lovers both become mothers after getting pregnant by the SAME sperm donor

Maysa Rawi

Last updated at 1:40 PM on 14th February 2012

Lesbian lovers Kirsty Cox and Anna Jones have both become mothers after DIY artificial insemination from the same sperm donor.

The married couple are bringing up three-month-old Scarlett Marie and Alfie, who are half brother and sister to each other.

The babies were conceived just two weeks apart with the help of friend Nick Lacey, a hairdresser who visited their home in Gloucester to make the sperm donations.

Kirsty Cox, left, and Anna Jones with three-month-old Scarlett Marie and Alfie, who are half brother and sister

Kirsty Cox, left, and Anna Jones, pictured on Daybreak, with three-month-old Scarlett Marie and Alfie, who are half brother and sister

Both women got pregnant at the first attempt through DIY artificial insemination.

Anna, 27, said: ‘We are over the moon. We have two beautiful babies and we’re a really happy family.

‘We never thought we would have children at all but now we’ve been blessed with a family and we can’t thank Nick enough for what he has done and for what he has given us.’

Anna and Kirsty, 23, who were married in June 2010, were not prepared to have IVF due to the expense.

Anna said: ‘We could have applied to the NHS but that meant only one of us could have it, and we both really wanted to have the experience of giving birth.

The babies were conceived just two weeks apart with the help of friend Nick Lacey, a hairdresser who visited their home in Gloucester to make the sperm donations

The babies were conceived just two weeks
apart with the help of friend Nick Lacey, a hairdresser who visited
their home in Gloucester to make the sperm donations

‘That’s when the topic of sperm-donation came up. We knew it might take a while to find the right person, but we were prepared to wait.’

In November 2010, Anna’s sister Lorraine got chatting to her hairdresser Nick about her sister’s desire for children.

After a series of meetings, they all agreed that Nick would be the one to donate. ‘When we found Nick everything fell into place,’ added Anna, who is a full-time carer for her father.

‘If we hadn’t have found him I don’t think any of this would have happened to be honest.

‘And when we found him it all happened so fast.’

The couple then agreed with Nick that he would visit them once a week and they would keep trying until one of them got pregnant.

‘To be honest, we expected it to take at least a year, if it happened at all,’ said Anna.

‘Especially the way we did it, we thought it would take forever. We were preparing to wait a long time.’

But just three weeks later, Kirsty became pregnant and a couple of weeks later Anna became pregnant too.

On November 5, Kirsty gave birth to Scarlett-Marie, who was two weeks overdue. Five days later, Anna gave birth to Alfie.

Anna said: ‘We have taken to it really well, we absolutely love it. It’s very tiring though.

‘We couldn’t be happier.’

Nick, who sees the children once a week, told The Mirror: ‘Although I don’t see
myself as their dad, I adore the babies and I intend to be part of their
lives forever.

‘ I never imagined I’d have a child, and I never knew I’d have so much love for them.’

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That is strange isan’t it?When Elton Jhon and David Furnish done the same thing,there were people whingeing about how it was going to effect the child not having a Mother in his life,but now that it is two mothers it is all fine.What a bunch of hypocrytes.

Me, Myself and I culture. What I want, where I want, when I want…

just hope the kids are ok. People can be so judgemental and often the children take the flack – I’m not sure adults think of this when pursuing what they want.

Great, more kids without a Dad. That’s what the country needs.

They cannot be a MARRIED COUPLE!!!

I bet you won’t see those kids on the Jeremy Kyle show in years to come. Most planned as opposed to unplanned babies seem to have an advantage in life.

Who cares? Print news, not puff like this.

You obviously don’t think that a civil partnership is being ‘married’ then?
It isn’t and they aren’t.

Really cute babies. Wonder does the father know how much he will have to pay in maintenance though

They are not married. All they have done is gone through a civil process to ensure they have the same legal rights as married couples. What a can of worms this is. I hope the hairdresser is paying maintenance to these women for his children because I don`t see why the tax payer should be forking out for the self indulgence of these two girls. It will all go belly up as usual. Then what will happen to these poor mites.

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