Liberal Radio Hosts Lament a New Heart Was Given to ‘Mass Murderer’ Dick Cheney

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Former vice president Dick Cheney had the audacity to speak against President Obama at a Wyoming GOP convention, saying “he has been an unmitigated disaster for the country.” This caused several liberal radio hosts to wish he’d never received a heart transplant. Randi Rhodes said “It just kills me that somebody died and gave this man a chance at a heart!”

Mike Malloy called him a mass murderer. “I don’t understand the theory behind giving a heart to someone who is slowly dying because he doesn’t have one anymore, and yet that same person is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths — innocent people, men, women, children, who did nothing but stand in the way of Dick Cheney’s greed and desire to kill as many people as he could,” he declared. “A mass murderer by any definition.”

Malloy thought everyone should agree with him: “I don’t give a damn where you fall on the political spectrum, you know and I know especially you phony-ass right wingers — you know what Cheney and Bush did! What they did with the invasion of Iraq! So this mass killer — this murderer — takes somebody’s heart. I don’t know, I guess eventually there’s justice where it concerns Dick Cheney though how in the hell is it ever going to be served?”

It’s amazing that liberals think they are the bleeding hearts of compassion, and therefore somehow if a conservative has a heart transplant, he or she should have the decency to become a liberal as a thank-you note. One should never get a new heart and attack Saint Obama. 

Rhodes ran a clip of Cheney and then complained “Why does anybody listen to Darth Vader?…The saddest part is Dick Cheney goes around talking like this after someone gave up their heart so that he could continue to talk like this! He’s given the miracle of an extended life – someone actually donated a heart so that Dick Cheney could finally have one – and look at what he does with it! Life extended, and he celebrates it by grabbing a microphone and bad-mouthing people!”

And if Randi Rhodes had a heart transplant, she’d suddenly be Mother Teresa?  No more bad-mouthing people? No more calling Hillary Clinton a prostitute?

“Thank you, Jay-sus! It’s a miracle,” she joked. “Thank you Jay-sus! And you know that family thanked Jesus for his heart – which he’s managed to shrivel in just a few weeks, and turn as black as night in just a few weeks…Sounds as cold as the last one!”

Then came the Schinder’s List allusions:

I got the feeling when the end really comes, Dick Cheney is going to, I don’t know, pull an Oscar Schindler and regret the lives he didn’t save. This is what I tell myself so I can’t – so I don’t have to contemplate that I live in the world with this evil guy. That one day, somehow, he will regret all the nasty things he said, and all the nasty things he did. And he will beg for forgiveness! But you know that’s not going to be true. You know that when the Grim Reaper comes to visit him, he’s going to bargain for ten more minutes. Ten more minutes cause he’s got some more awful things to say, some other person he needs to smear, you know, before he goes. “I didn’t even get to say anything about Michelle Obama. Please?”

Unbelievable. I can’t believe this is what this man does with the gift of an extended life….

It just kills me that somebody died and gave this man a chance at a heart! And he took it! And this is what he’s doing with it! There were people further down the heart transplant list who did not get a heart so Dick Cheney could have one, and look what he does with it! Thank you Jay-sus!

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