Libs betraying business over tax cuts: PM

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has accused Opposition Leader Tony Abbott of political heresy for vowing to vote against the government’s proposed tax cuts for business.

But Mr Abbott says Labor’s plan, which is tied to a mining tax, is a con and the coalition will offer “real” cuts if it wins government.

As the battle for the high ground with business continued on Wednesday, Treasurer Wayne Swan released draft laws to reduce the company tax rate, from 30 per cent to 29 per cent, to be introduced to parliament in early May.

The bill, expected to pass the Senate this week or early next, is linked to the 30 per cent Minerals Resource Rent Tax (MRRT) on coal and iron ore profits.

Under the legislation, small business will get tax cuts from July 1, while bigger companies will have to wait until 2013/14.

“This will help up to 720,000 small business companies by allowing them to reinvest more of their profits to grow their businesses and employ more Australians,” Mr Swan said in a statement.

But Mr Abbott reiterated the coalition won’t be supporting the government’s MRRT or the measures associated with it, including the corporate tax cuts.

Ms Gillard told parliament Mr Abbott’s stance was a “betrayal” to business and “heresy to what the Liberal Party has always believed in”.

Mr Abbott said the coalition would deliver its own “modest” business tax cut, if elected to government.

However, he wouldn’t say if the cut would be in line with its 2010 election promise of a 1.5 per cent reduction.

“What you will get from us are tax cuts without new taxes,” he told reporters in Canberra.

“What you get from Labor is … a tax cut funded from a tax increase. It is not a real tax cut, it is a con.”

Ms Gillard questioned how the coalition would pay for its tax cut, if it was not going to back the mining tax.

But the future of Labor’s tax cuts for big business appears to have hit a roadblock after the Australian Greens said they would only support the cut for small businesses.

“Why would we be giving back to the corporate sector $2.4 billion, particularly to very big players in the mining boom who have managed to escape a super profits tax which ought to be bringing $100 billion extra into taxpayer revenues?” Greens Leader Bob Brown said.

Asked whether the government was prepared to split or amend the bill – so at least the small-business tax cuts go through – Finance Minister Penny Wong said she was sure there would be a lot of “procedural issues” to manage in the weeks ahead.

The Business Council of Australia, which represents the nation’s top 100 company bosses, said the political debate highlighted the pitfalls of developing “tax policy on the run”.

“If the parliament gets bogged down in political brinkmanship over which, if any, businesses need a more competitive tax environment, or refusing to support an economy-wide reduction in the company tax rate, they will not be serving the nation well,” the council’s chief executive Jennifer Westacott said in a statement.

The Australian Industry Group is urging the Greens to reconsider their position.

Chief executive Heather Ridout said the Henry Tax Review recommended corporate tax be cut to 25 per cent, to ease the burden for companies on the wrong side of the mining boom.

“Twenty nine per cent is the bare minimum required, but a start,” she said in a statement.

“And as envisaged by Henry, the cut should be available to companies of all sizes.”

The mining tax on coal and iron ore from July 1 will also help fund an increase in superannuation contributions.

The MRRT legislation is currently in the Senate and must be dealt with by 9.15pm (AEDT) on Monday.

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