Libyan New Mass Grave and the Cynthia McKinney International Brigade


by   Jim W. Dean,  VT editor

The Grim Recovery Process Begins

Pro-Gaddafi  ‘human rights’ foreign media supporters had a poor record in uncovering any Gaddafi crimes against his own people.

The National Transitional Council  (NTC) has located former guards from the Abu Salim prison who have located a mass grave site outside the prison

They report that the over 1200 bodies from the mass executions in 1996 were initially buried inside the prison but then moved to the current location in 1999.

While 2000 have been reported shot during the uprising over conditions at the prison, no explanation has yet been given over the discrepancy in the two numbers.

“We are dealing with more than 1,270 martyrs and must distinguish each one from the other for identification by comparing their DNA with family members,” said Medical official Dr Osman Abdul Jalil. “It may take years to reach the truth.”

It appears that family members had earlies been told their relatives had died of natural causes but no further information, including where they had been buried, was every forthcoming from the Gaddafi regime.

As Always – the Grieving Relative

Veterans Today can find no record of the Alternative Media shills and ‘peace’ activists working out of Tripoli during the war, including ex-Congresswomen Cynthia McKinney ever showing any interest in these mass killings despite their having been in the prison vicinity during their Tripoli stays.

They seemed totally absorbed with promoting false mass civilian deaths from the target NATO strikes which were conducted under strict rules of engagement.

These journalists also never seemed concerned that Gaddafi forces never showed any concern over such rules of engagement to protect innocent civilians.

On the contrary, the fighting in Misrata was deemed a collective punishment by all the independent media that visited the embattled city, none of which included the Cynthia McKinney type of human rights journalist, or Lizzie Phelan, Thierry Meyssan, Madhi Nazemroaya, or Franklin Lamb.

Some families had multi missing relatives from Abu Salim. Sami Assadi, who was visiting the mass grave location, lost two brothers there. A BBC reporter asked him what his feelings were about finally learning their fates.

“Mixed feelings really. We are all happy because this revolution has succeeded, but when I stand here, I remember my brothers and many, many friends have been killed, just because they did not like Muammar Gaddafi.”

Other Gaddafi Mass Graves Have Been Found

Witnesses report that the rioting prisoners were tricked into going back to their cells where they were killed with grenades, weapons fire, and firing squads.

The NTC has asked for international help for the huge forensic and DNA work that will be needed to identify particular remains.

There are many graves in Benghazi and other Libya cities where non violent demonstrators where shot down in the streets by Gaddafi police, troops and mercenaries, and yes many of them were black Africans. 

But there are thousands of empty graves in Benghazi that were planned to be filled compliments of Gaddafi’s huge armored attack. The slaughter of the ‘rats’ there was to make an example to the rest of Libyans what the price of peaceful protest was while Gaddafi still ruled.

Our pro Gaddafi shill media friends reported that the alleged Benghazi attack was fabricated to justify NATO intervention. Yours truly has been reporting all along that hundreds of cel phone videos from captured Gaddafi forces were going to prove the Alt Media shills wrong.

Does Gaddafi Deserve to Burn ?

Like Stalin, Gaddafi pitted different races against each other for the usual divide and conquer reasons. It’s easier to set one off against the other if there is bad blood between them, like mass killings.

I have a special video for you here…and armored column staging to go into Misrata. The troops you will see here are all black troop regulars, mercenaries, and irregulars, including some unarmed that will be doing stevedore work handling supplies and logistics.

They are close to Misrata because the tanks are off their carriers. I just had a rough translation done on the audio. The driver says they are going to Misrata, and the cheer leading team in the trucks is doing a ‘Free Misrata’ chant.

When Gaddafi was driven out of Misrata finally, he based his troops in the Taureg town nearby from which he shelled Misrata.

Are there hard feeling between them now??  Oh yes !!

The only thing missing in this video is Cynthia McKinney touring the troops standing up in an open car with her North African wardrobe…and Franklin Lamb hurrying behind in his bicycle to find some more NATO atrocities to report.  Meet the Cynthia McKinney International Brigade.


YouTube – Veterans Today –

– Black armored column attacking Misrata

Many have forgotten that the main early report on the big mercenary push came from Israel, where the government approved the Israeli company engaged to do it. We reported this early on and started getting flack from the Alt Media shills, despite the Israeli source. So we smelled a rat.

YouTube – Veterans Today –

– Israelis help Gaddafi get mercenaries

Little did we know then that they would go total shill by being Gaddafi propagandists. Russia Today was a megaphone for them all during the war. Veterans Today was the only media to break the story on the Israelis running Gaddafi’s Intel communications intercept operations, something both Mass and Alternate Media decided to take a pass on.

David Welch – Formerly With U.S. State Dept.

And we caught David Welch with the Bechtel Corp. triangulating with Gaddafi and the Israelis  in trying to help him overcome the UN NATO operation renewal that was coming up in September, using McKinney and Congressman Dennis Kucinich as fronts. 

Next up is the big Gaddafi attack on Benghazi, another story that the Alternate Media shills said was primarily a fabricated event used to trigger the NATO intervention.

The first couple of minutes is slow footage of a staging area before they hit the coast highway East. You will see armor on tank carriers early on, and later see them on the ground, traveling fast but off the road so save their treads.

Next will come some knocked out vehicles…later, dead tanks, and then things slow down as the column jams up. You are watching the attack that never happened.


YouTube – Veterans Today –

Forgotten in the mass grave stories are the piles of executed Rebel and civilian dead found all throughout the war. This of course spawned some retribution similar killings later. Lots of Rebel families had lost one or more members, and tens of thousands are still missing.

This next video is graphic because the faces are shown. But the rebels recorded these execution body piles knowing that the footage could later be used to idendity some of the missing as dead. Identifying a corpse is the lesser evil of never knowing what happened to your people.

YouTube – Veterans Today –

– Dead piles in the desert – open graves

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on Sep 25 2011,


Filed under Editors Picks, Libya, WarZone.
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