Like His Dad? MSNBC Hypes Ron Reagan to Trash GOP as a ‘Haven for Bigots’


CHRIS MATTHEWS: Let me go back to Ron this because I want to get some thought- Ron, you’re thinking about this. Growing up in a Republican family, one thing I really liked about your family, although they were conservative, your parents, they didn’t care about gay people.


MATTHEWS: This whole thing has gotten to be- metamorphosing into this weird witch hunt thing going on. Your thoughts?

REAGAN: Yeah, it has, but this isn’t entirely new, and it goes back farther than the ’80s or ’90s. Since the civil rights era, the Republican Party has been a haven for bigots. That is not to say that all Republicans are bigots, far from it. But, it has provided a refuge for bigots and it has exploited their fear and anger. It could be communists, of course. It could be African-Americans, Mexicans, women who want to stand up for their rights, but the most reliable “they” that the Republican Party has had, and there’s always a they in the Republican Party, it’s out there to undo family values and somehow drag down the America of their dreams, the most reliable they are gay people. Gay people will always, and are still to this day, are people who under certain circumstances can be demonized and they are demonized on the right.

MATTHEWS: Well, Allen West down in Florida hasn’t gotten the message yet. He’s still going after what he calls the 81 communists in the Democratic caucus. Anyway, let’s get back to serious business. I worked in Capitol Hill for years, as you know. I knew a lot of gay people worked up there. They were part of- As somebody said to me today, that place would close down if they didn’t have gay people working there. At all levels, from the robo-rooms to the top aides. They were there on both sides of the aisle, right? So, how did these women survive culturally, socially, morally, in an environment where this kind of gay bashing still goes on as of this moment? Because Romney- Mitt Romney will not defend this guy. He will not say, come back to the campaign. Right now, if he’s watching this show, Governor Romney, ask the guy to come back, we stop talking about it. But he won’t.

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