London 2012 Olympics: Make way for family of German swim star Sina Sutter and their camper van

Martin Delgado

16:12 EST, 14 April 2012


07:13 EST, 15 April 2012

German swimming champion Sina Sutter

German swimming champion Sina Sutter

The parents of German swimming star Sina Sutter attracted much attention last week after saying they were driving to the Olympics and would stay in their camper van rather than pay for an expensive hotel.

The couple took out an advert in a newspaper asking for a parking space near the Aquatic Centre so that they could be close to their 21-year-old daughter’s endeavours.

But as The Mail on Sunday discovered when we were shown around the two-bedroom Fiat Ducato Maxi, currently parked at the family’s holiday villa at Calpe on Spain’s Costa Blanca, this is no ordinary camper van.

Equipped with roof-top solar panels, an espresso machine and an improvised wine cellar, it serves as a kind of mobile headquarters for Andreas and Elisabeth Sutter as they follow their daughter around the international circuit.

Inside, there is a relaxed and homely atmosphere. Family photographs hang in the dining area and a sign in the shower says: ‘Camping is the state of being  which exists when people feel at  ease with their scruffiness.’

Mr Sutter, 54, opens a hatch door to reveal a storage space packed with French wine. ‘I don’t like champagne but I am very fond of Sancerre. Not every camper has a wine cellar but this one can take 100 bottles. We will drink to Sina’s health whether she wins a medal or not.’

The couple plan to take the ferry to Dover, park as close as possible to the Aquatic Centre and watch Sina – the German 100m butterfly champion – compete on the van’s own TV.

‘Sina has been told she will be given at least two family tickets but there is no guarantee they will be for the swimming,’ says her father. ‘I want to park close to the pool so that when she comes out she will be able to join us for a celebratory drink.’

Home from home: Andreas and Elisabeth with their camper van and dogs Colin and Spike

Home from home: Andreas and Elisabeth with their camper van and dogs Colin and Spike

Visitors enter the three-year-old vehicle, which has 22,000 miles on the clock, via electrically controlled steps. The couple will be accompanied on their trip to London by their two dogs, half-huskie Spike and golden retriever Colin. ‘We didn’t want to pay an exorbitant price for a hotel, and this way we can be close to the action,’ said Mr Sutter, who runs a booking agency for actors.

‘I’ve already had half a dozen replies to my advert. One person offered a parking space seven miles from the stadium for £1,450 a week. Another, much closer, wanted just £12 a day.

‘I haven’t made up my mind yet. I will wait for more replies to arrive.

‘Sina knows we prefer the van to a swish hotel and she is happy with our decision to bring it to London. She’ll know where to find us when she leaves the pool. With any luck, we’ll be in a parking space a few hundred yards away.’


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Good luck to them. Anything to beat the inevitable rip-offs.

Even our tiny, tiny campervan has a wine cellar; an underfloor compartment that takes tinnies or bottles. Camping ain’t what it used to be but don’t tell anyone or there will be no room for us to sit and stare at those beautiful views in beautiful places.

” ‘Camping is the state of being which exists when people feel at ease with their scruffiness.’ ” Hahahaha – first laugh of the day! Best of luck with finding a cheap-ish parking-space. £12 a day sounds like the deal of the century, location permitting.

Love it! brilliant parents…….brilliant dogs.

Good for them – avoid the prices of rip off Britain

I’m not surprised that they want to come in their camper van and would think that a lot of other spectators will be doing the same, even our own. The cost of staying in London for the duration must be very prohibitive. Even the 2012 EURO in Ukraine will be suffering from over enthusiastic hotel charges of 500 Euro per night and camping seems to be the only sensible economic option.

In addition to my last, it’s not ‘Olympian’ in size, either; for that you need one of the American truly coachbuilt motorhomes, because they take a coach as their base vehicle. This motorhome is about 6.5 – 7 metres long. They won’t be staying in the luxury that an American RV (recreational vehicle) affords. Campervan and motorhome owners alike are quite proud of their vehicles – and quite keen on the difference in nomenclature. However, you do have an excuse. On the Continent (well, certainly in France) all sizes of vehicle from the smallest campervan to the largest RV are all called ‘camping cars’!

Two bedroomed? Who writes this stuff? To start with, it’s not a camper van, it’s a motorhome; a coachbuilt body on a commercial van chassis. A camper van retains its commercial body – think VW campervans, although these days it’s just as likely to be Fiat Ducato transformed by Autosleeper or another firm that will fit out the much smaller interior than the motor home shown. From the look of it, it is a four berth m/h (not two bedroomed) which has a double bed over the driver’s cab and a further double may be made up by transforming the dining area- dropping down the table using the upholstered cushions to form a mattress. At the entrance there will be a galley kitchen unit and there will also be a toilet/shower compartment. Storage for the 100 bottles is unlikely to be in one compartment but all around the motorhome. And they are right; staying in that will be a darn sight less expensive than the over-priced London hotels. Most sites will charge well under £40 per night.

What a good idea. Why should they be expected to pay for expensive hotels when they have this brilliant campervan. Think of all the money they have spent over the years supporting their daughter. Why put money down the drain.

I would give ’em a place for nothing, provided I can have a drink with their lovely daughter and practise my German. Prosit!

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