London Data Center Readies Staff ‘Sleeping Pods’ for Olympics

London Data Center Readies Staff ‘Sleeping Pods’ for Olympics

April 12th, 2012

So now it’s sleeping capsules in data centers.


You may or may not know what a data canter sounds like. If not, here’s a one minute introduction.

Hopefully, those cozy sleeping capsules come with hearing protection.

I wonder what IT people will be willing to tolerate in another six years?

Via: Data Center Knowledge:

For data centers, uptime is mandatory, even if the buses and trains aren’t running on time. That’s an issue on the minds of data center in operators in London, which may see its transit system tested by the huge crowds expected for the 2012 Summer Olympics. The data center team at Interxion has come up with a solution that will ensure that its London tech staff can be on site to keep things running smoothly throughout the Games.

Interxion today unveiled “sleeping pods� at its London data center campus, allowing staff to sleep amongst the racks to ensure that the facility will be fully staffed throughout the Games. allowing engineering staff to stay on site 24/7 should congestion on the travel and road networks become too severe, making it difficult for critical staff to travel to and from the site in a timely fashion.


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