London Olympics: 1,200 More Troops, Enough to Continue Games in “Just About Any Scenario”

Melissa Melton
July 27, 2012

With only 48 hours notice, it was announced Wednesday 1,200 more troops were told they would be protecting the Olympic games this year in what British Prime Minister David Cameron has now dubbed the “biggest security operation” ever attempted in the United Kingdom’s peacetime history. Event organizers LOCOG noted the additional soldiers will allow the games to continue “in just about any scenario”.

An additional 1,000 soldiers have been placed on standby which, if called in, would bring this year’s Olympic security total to roughly 19,200 — a number equal to the entire armed forces of the West African country of Guinea. U.S. intelligence and British security officials have co-established a threat integration center to analyze potential Olympics threat data. Other security measures include drafted U.S. TSA agents, body scanners, an LRAD sound cannon, fighter jets, drones, battleships, and surface-to-air missiles planted on nearby apartment building rooftops (despite tenant objection). Britain’s National Health Service is spending £900,000 to have an additional 50 ambulances from four private firms responding on the streets of London each day of the games.

All told, the 2012 Olympics comes with a price tag of approximately $14.5 billion. What “scenario” could possibly occur amidst a security operation of this caliber and cost short of an actual war?

The months leading up to the Olympics certainly have been a curious time. The BBC put out a documentary pushing the premise that UFOs may invade London during the games. Israel officials relayed fears Irani terrorists might attempt an “anniversary attack” on Israeli athletes. Acclaimed director Ben Fellows infiltrated the contracted Olympics security company G4S and broke intelligence of plans to evacuate London, including a cache of 200,000 casket liners on reserve.

Fellows is not the only one to mention a potential false flag at this year’s games by far. Raising tensions further, Iran threatened to boycott the Olympics last year, citing that the “2012” in the logo spells out “Zion,” a reference country officials claimed was to Jerusalem. It has also been noted by many that the Olympic mascots Wenlock and Mandeville — cartoonish cyclopean creatures — have been likened to illuminist “all seeing eye” symbolism, and the official Olympics website claims each giant eyeball is actually a camera that allows these mascots to “record everything”. As previously reported by, a multitude of YouTube videos, including a 15-minute presentation suggesting propaganda holds the key that the New World Order may stage a bio-terror attack, abound.

Whether or not another 9/11-style event may take place, as British General Sir Nick Parker suggested had already been extensively planned for, the message from the heart of a completely militarized London hosting this year’s games is clear: the powers that be prefer to rule with absolute fear. What we are living in now is beyond any police state that ever existed in the deepest, darkest recesses of George Orwell’s mind.

Let the games begin.

Melissa’s article first appeared on Alex Jones’ Planet Infowars social network. For more cutting edge journalism, join the network.

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