London whitewashing airport delays

Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union said Immigration Minister Damian Green’s pledge to bring in 80 more staff to Heathrow to tackle the long lines at UK Border Agency (UKBA) passport check booths is like “putting a sticking plaster on a serious injury.”

“Drafting in staff from other areas of an already overstretched agency is like putting a sticking plaster on a serious injury, it will do nothing to stop the inevitable from happening,” Serwotka said.

His remarks came as the Labour party said it has figures that show the UKBA’s personnel fell from 8,874 two years ago to 7,988 at the end of March (a drop of 886).

Green had also tried to deny reports of three-hour delays at Heathrow last week, but a senior industry official dismissed his comments saying continued crisis at Heathrow would only question Britain’s ability to cope with the coming air travel rush.

Willie Walsh, the chief executive of International Airlines Group, which includes British Airways, told BBC Radio 4’s Today program the claims that no one has faced delays of more than 90 minutes at passport check booths are totally false.

“We have accurate, detailed information that shows people queued for up to two hours and 31 minutes on Friday,” he said.

He added the government needs to take “urgent action” to tackle the problem or else the airport chaos would show Britain is not open for business ahead of the Olympics.


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