Lost Viking Town Discovered in Germany

Viking town discovered GermanyYou’d think that archaeologists would have unearthed everything that needs unearthing by now. An 8th century military town is believed to have been discovered in Germany. Specialists can’t be sure at this point because the settlers weren’t considerate enough to leave a map or a sign, but artifacts and other features are being used as conclusive evidence.

The demolished city is thought to be long-lost Sliasthrop, which was used as a military base. Thirty of the 200 houses have been properly excavated and have revealed a lot about how military towns functioned. A large building, comparable to a modern day community center, was found with arrow heads embedded in its charred walls, meaning that is was attacked, probably during a battle.

Jewelry, glass beads, silver coins and a Thor’s hammer amulet found on the site all reinforce the idea that it was a Viking settlement. Chances are the town was mostly inhabited by the king’s soldiers and the workers who built the town, military machines and weaponry.

This new discovery proves that there were permanent Viking settlements before trading merchandise became a way of life, which could change the perspective that archaeologists have on the Vikings. Now that’s what we call making history!

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