Madeleine Grant librarian contest: Oxford University student boasts ‘I have a great rack’

Tom Gardner

Last updated at 5:03 PM on 5th March 2012

Vote winner: Madeline Grant, 19, has provoked accusations of 'a distinct lack of judgement' with her Union Librarian election manifesto claims

Vote winner: Madeline Grant, 19, has provoked accusations of ‘a distinct lack of judgement’ with her Union Librarian election manifesto claims

It’s a role which conjures the image of a demure character charged with ensuring a hushed silence in one of England’s great centres of learning.

So it is little surprise that Oxford University student Madeline Grant’s bid to win an election to become a librarian by claiming ‘I have a great rack’, has provoked such disquiet.

The English undergraduate has been accused of a ‘sexist’ attempt to sway votes when she wrote on her manifesto for Union Librarian: ‘I don’t hack, I just have a great rack.’

She also said she was ‘committed to helping members pull’ and claimed she once had ‘a hug’n’kiss from Johnny Depp’.

The 19-year-old – daughter of John, 71, and mum freelance writer Sally Jones, 57, who live in a £460,000 detached farmhouse in Ashorne, Warwickshire – even claimed she had dated ‘a shady Japanese businessman for Union ball sponsorship’.

Former model Madeline – studying at the prestigious formerly all girls St Hilda’s College, entered herself into the election for Union Librarian at the elite institution last month.

But her campaign has been condemned by students who have accused her of ‘damaging the perception of women’.

A union member told student paper Cherwell: ‘Whilst this manifesto is clearly meant to be humorous, it shows a distinct lack of judgement.

‘It is disappointing to see female members of committee campaigning on the back of gender at all, let alone in a way which promotes the use of sexuality.

Joke: Madeline said her manifesto was 'only meant to be a light-hearted satire' after being told it was 'deeply saddening to see women objectifying themselves in manifestos'

Joke: Madeline said her manifesto was ‘only meant to be a light-hearted satire’ after being told it was ‘deeply saddening to see women objectifying themselves in manifestos’

‘The suggestion that anyone should be
voted in on such a basis is deeply offensive to both male and female
voters and is also very damaging to the perception of the women
associated with the Union.

‘This year’s three successive female presidents are testimony to the fact that the Union has moved far beyond outdated sexual stereotypes and it is deeply saddening to see women objectifying themselves in manifestos.’

Madeleine, who has posted numerous pictures of herself posing half-naked on her Facebook page, said: ‘I hope no-one is offended by my manifesto – it was only meant to be a light-hearted satire on an organisation which is often seen very seriously.’

Oxford Union is no stranger to controversy and debate.

year Katie Price, the topless model turned self-made businesswoman,
followed in the footsteps of prime ministers, world leaders and
international notables to address to the union.

The model formerly known as Jordan, appeared in the hallowed debating chamber before an audience of about 400.

told her audience one of her proudest achievements was posing for
Playboy, and that she was not ashamed for her children to know about her
glamour modelling career.

said: ‘I come across stupid and thick but I know exactly what I’m
doing,’ she said. ‘I come from nothing. Now I call myself a rich chav…
but I’m more serious than what you lot think.’

lot’ were students upholding a centuries-old tradition of inviting a
diverse range of people to afford them ‘the chance to meet the real
person behind the famous face’, as the union blurb describes it.

and presidents have spoken here; so has Kermit the Frog. Few have ever
posed for Playboy.

Controversy: St Hilda's College, Oxford University where Ms Grant is studying, is now the centre of a storm over 'sexist' attempt to win votes in an election to become a librarian

Controversy: St Hilda’s College, Oxford University where Ms Grant is studying, is now the centre of a storm over ‘sexist’ attempt to win votes in an election to become a librarian

Debate: Katie Price outside the Oxford Union debating chamber in Oxford where the glamour model spoke to students

Debate: Katie Price outside the Oxford Union debating chamber in Oxford where the glamour model spoke to students

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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Typically female–offer sex or the promise of sex, and if that doesn’t work file a complaint that your have been discriminated against because you are a female.

Go on then, get your rack out for the lads

Why on Earth has this ridiculous former newspaper printed this?

The thought police are out in force to stifle a pretty amazing SOH!
If she has the guts to use such a line, she deserves praise, not criticism.

I’m glad to see that the Mail is keeping us all abreast of the situation….

Amy, Manchester, said:

Prone to exaggeration and with poor judgement. Clearly got her sights set on a career in politics.

She may become a future cabinet minister…

Prehaps she means she has a nice wine rack at home

Madeline Grant’s bid to win ….by claiming ‘I have a great rack’’ So which is it to be: a clear case of misrepresentation, or simply one of self-delusion and the implied use of a distorting mirror? All of these? Ok.

She dosent have a great rack, she looks like a surfboard

Why is it that when a male utters a sex-related ‘joke’ it is ‘offensive and sexist’ but when females say the self same thing, it’s ‘humorous and harmless banter’?
Equality still has a long, long way to go yet.

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