Maher Attacks Santorum: ‘I Worried He’d Dress Up as His Mother and Kill Women in a Motel’

Noel Sheppard's picture

Bill Maher on Friday took a disgusting shot at former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum.

In his final bit on HBO’s Real Time, the perilously liberal host said of the former Pennsylvania Senator, “I never worried Rick would have an affair. I worried he’d dress up as his mother and kill women in a motel” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

BILL MAHER: I can’t help but think that if an alien landed in America tomorrow, the first thing he would say would be, well, the first thing he would say would, “Hey, Mitt Romney, great to see you again. How’s that human exoskeleton holding up?”

But after that, the alien would say, “Is there no end to your childish fixation with peepees and weewees?”

Even Rick Santorum was fascinating to us because of sex, albeit in reverse – that someone could be that sexually repressed, because I must admit, I never worried Rick would have an affair. I worried he’d dress up as his mother and kill women in a motel.

Can a man that has fathered eight children be sexually repressed?

Is having an affair the only way to prove you’re not sexually repressed?

Honestly, the way Maher thinks about things, and the fact that he’s never been married or had children, isn’t he far more like the Norman Bates character in the Alfred Hitchcock classic “Psycho” than Santorum?

Maher even looks more like Norman Bates:

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