Majlis backs Palestinian hunger strikers

A Wednesday statement issued by 201 Iranian legislators lauded the mass hunger strike as an uprising which denotes unity among Palestinians in Israeli prisons.

The statement pointed to the illegal detention of Palestinian people and even lawmakers by Israel and added, “The gross violation of human rights by Israel has caused the Palestinian captives to stage a hunger strike in order to make their oppressed voices heard by the international community and human rights organizations, and ask for the minimal observance of international criteria.”

The Iranian lawmakers also rapped international organizations for their silence over six decades of Israeli crimes and its violation of international pacts and conventions regarding the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The statement further called on relevant international bodies to undertake their legal obligations and issue binding resolutions against Israel, in order to prevent Tel Aviv from repeating such “brutal and inhumane violations” against the Palestinian prisoners.

An estimated 1,600 to 2,000 Palestinian prisoners began an open-ended hunger strike on April 17 to protest against Israel’s administrative detention rules, the use of solitary confinement, maltreatment of sick detainees, and difficulty in securing family visits as well as strip searches imposed on visitors.

According to an April 1, 2012 report, published by the non-governmental Palestinian prisoner support and human rights association, Addameer, at least 4,610 “political” Palestinian prisoners are held in Israeli jails.

Addameer figures show 322 of the Palestinian prisoners are administrative detainees.

There have been several demonstrations across the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip to express solidarity with the prisoners.


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