Major bombings hit Northern Ireland

None of the bombs in County Down near the border with the Republic of Ireland and in Belfast exploded, but County Down police chief Alasdair Robinson said the 272 kg device planted there could have killed anyone within 50 meters of the blast and injured anyone in the 100-meter vicinity.

Robinson said the device planted in a van was found at around 06:30 PM on Thursday and took army bomb disposal experts 24 hours to defuse.

The security alert in County Down led to the evacuation of 70 nearby houses as experts defused the device.

Meanwhile, police in Northern Irish capital of Belfast discovered a second bomb under a car in a residential area.

The army bomb-disposal unit defused the device but 80 people had to be evacuated from their homes as part of the security alert due to the bombing.

Belfast Chief Inspector Ian Campbell said those who planted the device showed “a callous disregard for members of the public.”

Police officials in County Down believed the massive explosive devices packed into two cylinders behind the van could have been smuggled across the border from the Republic of Ireland.

Robinson said the bombing was the third major incident of its kind in the Newry area in the last month.


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