Man with Tourette’s Says Cops Beat Him for Their Own Amusement

Friday, 20 July 2012 09:22


‘”After the metal detector turned the battery off that charged the electrodes for the brain mapping, the plaintiff could not control his physical and verbal actions and the deputies ignored his protestations, and when he failed to control himself, he was beaten,” the complaint continues.

Attorneys for Mr. Ray say that their client was tied to a chair “and made to stay there for hours without benefit of food, water or bathroom privileges.”

“While abusing the plaintiff by beating him and kicking him, the deputies considered it a form of amusement and laughed at his protestations,” the complaint reads, adding that the officers assaulted the plaintiff “by beating him with their fists and kicked him while he was restrained.”’

Read more: Man with Tourette’s Says Cops Beat Him for Their Own Amusement

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