Mandela leaves hospital

Denis Farrell / AP

An ambulance arrives at the home of former South African president Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg on Sunday. Mandela has been in hospital for more than two months fighting a recurring lung infection.

Anti-apartheid icon and former South African President Nelson Mandela was discharged from the hospital and returned to his home on Sunday, although his condition remained critical, the government said.

“Madiba’s condition remains critical and is at times unstable,” the presidency said in a statement on its website, referring to Mandela by his clan name. “Nevertheless, his team of doctors are convinced that he will receive the same level of intensive care at his … home that he received in Pretoria.”


View images of civil rights leader Nelson Mandela, who went from anti-apartheid activist to prisoner to South Africa’s first black president.

The 95-year-old was admitted to hospital in Pretoria on June 8 with a recurring lung infection attributed to the manual labor he was forced to perform while he was a political prisoner in South Africa nearly three decades.

Mandela’s home was reconditioned to allow him to receive intensive care, and he would be treated by the same team as in the hospital in Pretoria, according to the government.

Sources told NBC News that doctors, who tested a critical care unit set-up in Mandela’s home in Johannesburg, decided on Saturday that Mandela could return home given his relatively stable condition. 

“If there are health conditions that warrant another admission to hospital in future, this will be done,” according to the presidency’s statement. 

“Despite the difficulties imposed by his various illnesses, he, as always, displays immense grace and fortitude,” it added. 


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