Mark Bazer: Chuck Klosterman Talks Football Safety and Whether He’s a Good Person

How many times do you read an essay and think, “Yes, this is all true, but I’ve heard all of these ideas before”? Well, that never happens to me when I’m reading Chuck Klosterman.

Klosterman is the author of essay collections like Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs and Eating the Dinosaur. He also has a new novel, The Visible Man, and is a regular contributor to

In my chat with Klosterman for The Interview Show, taped recently at Union Hall in Brooklyn, Klosterman (pronounced with a long “o,” by the way) expounds on the subjects he writes about often — music, sports — while tackling the question of whether cavemen were, in fact, the most interesting people ever.

I love this interview, but it really picks up when the tall guy in the front row gets up to use the bathroom.

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