Mark Sheppard has SIX “massive heart attacks”; Billy Bean “battling cancer”; Kelly Ripa, Craig Melvin, Savannah Guthrie absent from TV; Michael B. Jordan’s odd car crash; Lil Wayne’s swollen face

From Mark Crispin Miller @ substack NL’s Bowen Yang “shares update on his mental health following ‘bad bouts of depersonalization’”; Shania Twain’s fans leaving her show in droves (she “doesn’t even look like herself anymore”) ‘Supernatural’ Star Mark Sheppard Survives Massive Heart Attacks December 3, 2023 Mark Sheppard, best known as “Crowley” on Supernatural, revealed … Continue reading Mark Sheppard has SIX “massive heart attacks”; Billy Bean “battling cancer”; Kelly Ripa, Craig Melvin, Savannah Guthrie absent from TV; Michael B. Jordan’s odd car crash; Lil Wayne’s swollen face Source

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