Mary Magdalene Joining Us on BBS Radio Tonight, March 16th

If you would like an update on our origins, the  spiritual truth of our existence, Ascension and more that most people don’t know, join us for an hour tonight on The Messenger, free of charge. We always learn fantastic, liberating and uplifting things from the other side on these calls.

For one thing, we’ve learned that “spirituality” is not “religion”; that there is no “religion” in Heaven, and that Jeshua did not teach “religion”. It was a construct of the Illuminati to trick and control us; to keep us small and insignificant.

The dark cast aspersions on Jeshua’s work—the work of our Creator—and soiled the reputation of he and his family. Imagine—Mary Magdalene a prostitute—according to the Bible, which is an admirable work of fiction, like all our other history books. Jeshua did not die of the crucifixion, and later followed his wife to France where they continued their work.

What we’re learning now from the Ascended Masters and the Spiritual Hierarchy is the truth about all of Creation, including our Creators themselves and All-There-Is, and what we have to look forward to as fully conscious Beings of the Light.

There’s a glorious future awaiting humanity and we’re gradually learning more about it from gifted Lightworkers like Carolyn Evers and Dr. Richard Presser through the messages they bring from those in Spirit.

I urge you to take advantage of this conduit to the reality of your existence. You’ll never be the same after learning The Truth.

If you can’t be there live, you may listen to the recording at some point after the show.

Mary Magdalene, Jeshua’s wife and mother of their three children, will be joining us tonight on BBS Radio. Although she has joined others on earlier shows, she has never come forth by herself—and she says she has some new things to share with us.

Tune in tonight (16th) at 9pm US Eastern Time on Station 1 at . Copy the link into your browser address bar and press Enter if it does not work for you.

To ask questions of Mary Magdalene, call in Toll Free on 1-888-627-6008.

To just listen via the phone, call in on +1 (530) 881-1300 Access code 265115 #. Please check these numbers on the website if they are not working for you.


Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.

Richard Presser


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Find your free copies of Jeshua’s newsletter “Jeshua, Then and Now…” at

“The Truth About 2012”

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Why would Steve Fossett have a view on 2012? See

For Jeshua’s perspective, see

And “The Coming Golden Age and How to Prepare for it” –


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