Matching hat and handbag: Photographer captures incredible images of spiders modelling the latest in ‘water wear’

Daily Mail Reporter

09:13 EST, 2 July 2012


09:15 EST, 2 July 2012

Normally scary jumping spiders look more like they’re posing in a fashion show than posing a threat in these amazing photographs.

Creative Uda Dennie managed to snap the pictures of the arachnids surrounded by water droplets in his garden.

The jumping spiders look completely at ease as they get accustomed to their stylish new water wear.

In vogue: This spider look to have found a new style of head wear and matching handbag as a rain droplet rests on its hand and next to one of its legs

In vogue: This spider look to have found a new style of head wear and matching handbag as a rain droplet rests on its hand and next to one of its legs

Water good idea: Photographer Uda Dennie set up these pictures of tiny droplets of water balanced in the head of this jumping spider, in his garden, in Batam Island, Indonesia

Water good idea: Photographer Uda Dennie set up these pictures of tiny droplets of water balanced in the head of this jumping spider, in his garden, in Batam Island, Indonesia

Hats a great look: The jumping spiders appear completely at ease as they get accustomed to their new looks

Hats a great look: The jumping spiders appear completely at ease as they get accustomed to their new looks

One of the massive droplets even stayed in shape for about a minute before the hairy multi-eyed spider scurried off.

Dennie, 33, from Batam Island, Indonesia, said: ‘I was really surprised to get such amazing pictures – it was really wonderful.

‘I have seen anything like this before, it is such an interesting photograph.

‘I have a real passion for macro photography and after lots of trial and error I’m now able to produce good images – perseverance really paid off.’

For the balls of water to mirror an array of amazing colours and even other insects, Dennie set up suitable photographs to achieve the reflections.

All jumping spiders have four pairs of eyes with particularly large anterior median eyes and possess incredible agility.

Is this my good side? Photographer Uda Dennie, from Batam Island, Indonesia, said he was amazed by the results he managed to achieve with this set of pictures

Is this my good side? Photographer Uda Dennie, from Batam Island, Indonesia, said he was amazed by the results he managed to achieve with this set of pictures

In fashion: The latest range of water ware is unlikely to catch on among the jumping spiders, which when unencumbered by large water droplets, possess incredible agility

In fashion: The latest range of water ware is unlikely to catch on among the jumping spiders, which when unencumbered by large water droplets, possess incredible agility

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