Mayor of Nice accused of ‘stigmatising’ Muslim population

Auguste Verola, deputy mayor in charge of civil ceremonies, said that despite the decree, and accompanying charter, people could still “clap, shout and ululate”.

“The problem is with those who go over the top. What we ask is to have no ear-splitting music,” he told Le Monde newspaper, adding that he had received letters from Right and Left-wing mayors around France inquiring about the new rules.

But Abderrazak Fetnan, Socialist municipal councillor, said the new measures were “dirty bombs ahead of the elections”.

Marouane Bouloudhnine, a centrist parliamentary candidate in the southeastern Alpes-Maritime department, said: “Christian Estrosi knows how to make advances to Muslims when he needs them and slam them when elections approach, when they are of no use to him.” “This has nothing to do with the elections,” said Mr Verola. Lucien Samak, vice-president of Nice’s Jewish consistory, said he thought the measures were not aimed at “one community more than another.

“The problem posed is one of consideration and respect one has for others,” he said.

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