Men plead not guilty over Danish newspaper Mohammed plot

When the men were arrested police seized a machined gun with a silencer, a
revolver and 108 bullets and reams of duct tape among their possessions.

The fourth man, the Swedish resident, was arrested in Stockholm on the same
day and extradited to Denmark.

Danish and Swedish police had been working together to wiretap the men, and
only moved in to arrest them after hearing the suspects say they were “going
to” the newspaper’s office.

Danish officials have described the alleged plot as the most serious Islamist
terrorist plot in Scandinavia.

Jyllands-Posten was the paper that first published a dozen cartoons of the
Prophet Mohammad, provoking protests in 2006 against Danish interests abroad
and riots in countries from the Middle East and Africa to Asia in which at
least 50 people died.

The trial continues and a verdict is expected shortly after it ends around
June 15.

In January Denmark’s Security and Intelligence Service (PET) said the country
remains a “high-priority target” of Islamist militants seeking to take
revenge on anyone involved with publishing the cartoons.

Last year a Chechen man was convicted in a terrorist plot against the paper,
which was thwarted when he accidentally set off explosive devices in a hotel
bathroom in Copenhagen.

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