Michael Moore Pleads For Gun Control After The Colorado Theater Shooting: ‘I’m Sick Of This’

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Related: Mayor Bloomberg calls for police strike until public demands tighter gun control – as arms sales soar by FORTY per cent in Colorado since massacre

Brett LoGiurato
Business Insider
July 25, 2012

More than a decade after he released his documentary “Bowling For Columbine,” about another tragic Colorado massacre, filmmaker Michael Moore says he is “sick” of having to keep addressing the issue of gun control.

In an interview with CNN’s Piers Morgan last night, Moore pleaded for more restrictive measures on gun ownership in the wake of the horrific massacre in an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater last week

“If people would just rise up and say ‘Damn it, this is not the America I’m going to live in. This is too great of a country to let this happen again. I am not going to let this happen again,’” Moore said.

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34 Responses to “Michael Moore Pleads For Gun Control After The Colorado Theater Shooting: ‘I’m Sick Of This’”

  1. may I suggest he use both hands to insert a barrel into his own mouth?
    I wouldnt want him to miss for any lack of “gun control”.

    Menzoberranzandweller Reply:
    July 25th, 2012 at 8:52 am

    Good idea. Im sick of the fat bastard Moore as well.

    July 25th, 2012 at 9:12 am




    Startover Reply:
    July 25th, 2012 at 11:06 am

    And we’re all sick of dealing with you, Mr Moore
    Go get citizenship in North Korea where you belong

    Dandroid Reply:
    July 25th, 2012 at 11:22 am

    Phuck you Michael Moore

  2. hahahaha ! I was thinking there should be for more restrictive measures on cheese burger eating too !

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 25th, 2012 at 8:20 am

    and his entourage of armed guards going everywhere to protect him..

  3. Michael, Michael do not fall in that trap. Are you for human rights or not? Do you work for the NWO criminal minds or are you too blind to not see what is going on Michael?

    Push for the end of the federal reserve if you want to be usefull to a society.

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 25th, 2012 at 8:43 am

    he’s always been a manipulative sellout.

    IF some moviegoers were armed it wouldnt have BEEN a huge massacre.
    AMERICA IS ALL ABOUT GUNS mister mikee..
    his “speech” DOES expose him as unAmerican.

  4. Take note of the gun control stooges that are now coming out, Bloomberg, Feinstein, Murdoch, Moore etc. Of course the MSM is behind them too. It’s not too hard to see what faction is forcing them to speak out? The Zio US Government wants to take the guns away as it is much easier to control an unarmed population. The bungled Fast and Furious and now Aurora are a couple of the more recent false flags to do so.

  5. What a joke. If an actual shooter was in a theater- the Secret Service protecting Obama’s daughters would shoot and kill the shooter because they are armed and trained. The shooter would not stand a chance. They would also be watching all the doors for suspicious activity. Michael is becoming Dumb and Dumber.

  6. From a humanitarian perspective Michael Moore makes a good argument. But on the contrary, the issue is that we have a government who see’s human lives as dispensible and thats why we need to keep our guns.

    If Obama is so interested in human lives, why does he send drones to kill others? How much collateral damage has he caused going after someone who we havn’t even declared a terrorist in a court of law? He’s got blood on his hands and for that I say we keep our guns.

    The point here is that we need to keep our guns or this government will do more killing than what happened last Thursday night. I will only get worse.

  7. I welcome this statement from Moore because he is again outing himself for what he really is: controlled opposition. Somewhere, some time, some how someone got to him. He used to rail against the corporate/government/military/industrial complex but now he is falling in lock step with them. His failure to go to where the 9/11 dots obviously led. His love for the obviously fascist Obamacare. And now his reaction to another obvious MK Ultra or false flag. Mike, thanks buddy. Now we know to to never listen to your fat ass again. We know your acting like one of us is all part of the game. Now point your research towards knowledge of food. Some might think it’s just Overactive Fork Disorder (OFD) that you’ve got but the truth will tell you otherwise.


    Lexington, ky

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 25th, 2012 at 8:44 am

    damn straight! 🙂

  8. Look what they say is great and meaningful. But caring for one another, and wanting a better america has nothing to do with politicians passing laws, especially gun control ones . A Gun is not even related to what happened anymore than the color clothes he wore. Not to mention the politicians are the ones in the first place that have created the america we now live in. it is a shame so many sheeple will see what moore, and other gun-grabbers stated and be completely duped by it.


  9. Mike Moore is a fat cheeseburger eating big mouth azz clown . He needs mental help .

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 25th, 2012 at 10:20 am

    when his heart fails for cholesterol clogging,
    and they cant find a coffin large enough to bury him in…
    they’ll give him an enema and bury him in a shoebox.

  10. I still don’t understand the fascination with this guy. Am I missing something? Is he not just some guy who makes films? I don’t see how that gives him any credibility at all. He obviously has an agenda, but if we stopped worshipping people based on their status in the mainstream media then this idiot wouldn’t even be given a platform to speak his mind. Wish this guy would take a hike already.

    katscout Reply:
    July 25th, 2012 at 8:56 am

    Maybe him and Bloomberg will have a heart attack . They are from the same cloth .

  11. If Michael Moore wants gun control, he should just move back to his homeland of Cuba or North Korea.

  12. Guns don’t kill people, Twinkies kill people.

  13. Miss moore #@$$^^*(())*^%$#@@#%^*(^%$#@#$%^*^%$$%^^%$#@#$% you can fill in what ever you like they are not going to let through what I have to say. so make the best of it that you can.

  14. He has a real passion for the agenda of politics overriding the Constitution . Here is a man that clearly needs adoption , he has a hard time dressing himself ,look at him theres the proof. If it wasnt guns it would be something else these whiney bags cry about except real issues. Mayor Bloomberg doesnt want salt on anyones table, no sale of large soft drinks and no one to carry firearms in his kingdom of NYC. ….Maybe the Mayor could adopt Michael Moore ? As far as Moore being “sick” , I agree , he does look sick.

    Menzoberranzandweller Reply:
    July 25th, 2012 at 12:04 pm

    Agreed. I’m responsible for my own life, as it was, as it is, and how it will be. Noone or no thing, especially scum foreigners or f ucking traitors like this will take that from me. Want my guns, come and f ucking try to take them! Thanks for the training uncle.

  15. Isn’t Michel Moore really Peter Griffin in disguise?

  16. Moore looks like some aging, sloppy dyke. Nothing manly left about him.

    Are his bodyguards armed, or do they just carry sling shot in order to fling double stuff oreo’s directly into his waiting and opened mouth?

  17. gee i hate it when these morons have the same first name like my son and me gagamaggot to death oh dont try it i dont answer to the name

  18. Moore’s views on capitalism always rang a false note. If he had said Corporatism Collectivism of the Feudalistic Monopoly kind, he would have been more on the money. The fact of the matter is, Monopoly Corporatism destroys capitalism an economy of by for the people. More Americans are tired of Moore rather than guns. Seems the more he gets on his pompous soap box, the more Americans sense a need for guns.

    Moore is a Collectivist shill for the Corporate elite. As for Moore’s assertion America is the greatest country in the world. Not any more Mr. Moore. People just like you your myopic Collectivist buddies are destroying it. It’s as if in Mooreville there are no capacities to admit true cause effect relationships. America has become a violent culture largely BECAUSE Corporate America Government make it so, THIS is why Americans are rushing out in record numbers purchasing guns. The Joker is a symbol of the American police state, the “joke” is on the American people.

    So yes Obama, Moore Company, go ahead throw a few more pot smokers in prison for your Big Pharma buddies Corporate Prisons for Profit. Twist the people’s brains with narcissistic PSYOP movies Big Pharma psychotropics. And this doesn’t even begin to touch on the CIA drug enabled culture. This is the America the founding fathers gave their lives fortunes for? No doubt, the founding fathers would have been appauled disgusted with the reactionary likes of Moore. The America Moore says he dislikes, is of his own making.

    Elm Reply:
    July 25th, 2012 at 12:00 pm

    PS – If Moore is so sick tired of “addressing the issue of gun control,” then don’t. Then he wouldn’t have to posture as the pretentious self-righteous buffoon he’s become.

  19. Michael Moore you fat SOB! Get the hell out of the lamestream media. People in the state of Michigan think you are the most pathetic, most slovenly looking POS we have to endure. You’re on an New World Order agenda and your kissing Washington’s insane ass and you might as well lick it too. Get out of the news. Your a sick human being. You saw the exodus of GM and all the auto companies in Detroit go bust and take giant bailouts and left the city of Detroit devastated. They came to kick people out of their homes in the WINTER – AT THE G-DAMNED HOLIDAYS FOR GOD’S SAKE. Get a clue you fat SOB. You are well hated by the citizens of this country. You can go to hell like the rest of Washington!

  20. Mikey, ya fat disgusting capitaist pig! Go make a movie about gun control and rake in a few more million from your heard of sheople, ya fat ass pig. You know damn good and well gun control will just create another black market. Hell, it practically already is. You know guns aren’t going to vanish off the face of the earth with your gun control. Mikey, you do know that crack cocaine and meth are outlawed and it’s still on every street corner, don’t you? You’re such a piece of shit! Please eat some more blubber, clog your heart and die so we won’t have to listen to your big fat mouth any more!

  21. Mr. Moore, I have a suggestion for you . . .

    First, and Crucial for Total Objective Comprehension . . . unsew your shut eyes . . . or, if necessary, buy a higher IQ . . .

    Second . . . recognize where all of the “massacres” originate . . . we have . . .

    . . . Doctors their “Cooked” Pharmaceuticals as the “The Eugenicist Contribution” . . .

    . . . The Government Secret Operatives Embedded in “Law Enforcement” (Mostly Federal Handlers w/ Local Elements) as the Underlying “Criminal Government Contribution” . . .

    . . . and The Various Collegiate Programs which facilitate “Federal Recruiting Centers” for “Special False Flag Ops” . . . these represent the “Builders of Society Contribution”. . . who have long ago “Sold Society Out” by surrendering their “Original Intelligence” (i.e. Common Sense) in return for a “Smear of Shiny Factoids” . . .

    . . . Then read the “Unclassified and Leaked Manuals Materials relating to the Elements of this Topic . . .

    . . . if you are unable to see the prima facie “Before the Fact” involvement . . . you are DEAD . . . please bury yourself.

    . . . Then Mr. Moore . . . if these still do not address you with unavoidable answers . . .

    . . . reform and Join the side of Righteousness . . .

    . . . maybe buy a gun . . . obtain a carry permit . . . and, if you had been in the theater . . . You could have made the “American Difference” . . .

    . . . “the Second Ammendment is the Key to America’s Everlasting Peace and Freedom” . . .

    . . . and while currently, it is still in effect . . . many still do not see it for what its true worth . . .


  22. My Family is from Flint Michigan Also, Same Place the Coward Moore is from.

    Tell ya What Michael, If you are SO DAMN Worried about guns, GO TO MEXICO, your New President down there agrees with you. Im sure he can Introduce you to the Meadine Cartels and they ll Certainly Protect your COWARDESS Un American Ass.

  23. He is so concerned about this but is fine with Predator drones shooting missiles at wedding parties

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